Fig. 8.
Panels depict various views of 3D-models of compact Golgi bodies (numbered 1, 2 and 3) after 60 min of 2DG-treatment. b, h Indicate the close relationship to the ER (colored in green); an ER-bud protruding into the body is shown in panel h. All 3 bodies are similarly composed of convoluted tubules, the loops of which can be identified in the models and are particularly well visible in the sections through the models, exhibited in d–f and j–l. The differentiated coloring of bodies 2 and 3 in c and i points to the connected parts of the bodies, the largest being highlighted in yellow. As seen in i, body 3 is almost completely composed of one continuous compartment. The numbers in the left lower corner of d–f and j–l indicate the respective positions of the sections through the model. Volumes of the calculated tomograms (x, y, z): a–f 4.004 × 3.892 × 310 pixels, pixel size 0,39 nm; g–l 3.977 × 3.887 × 370 pixels; pixel size 0.39 nm