Figure 2. Generation of epidermal-specific TC-PTP knockout mice.
(A) Schematic diagram of targeted disruption of the Ptpn2 gene within the epidermis using the Cre-LoxP system. (B) PCR analysis of the Ptpn2 deletion using genomic DNA obtained from the mouse tail. Allele-specific PCR was performed using the three primers described in Materials and Methods to evaluate the efficiency of the Ptpn2 deletion. (C) Western blot analysis of TC-PTP in the epidermis from K14Cre.Ptpn2w/w and K14Cre.Ptpn2fl/fl mice. Epidermis was collected and total cell lysates from both genotypes were resolved by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted with antibodies specific for TC-PTP. (D) Immunohistochemical staining of TC-PTP in the epidermis from both genotypes. (E) Western blot analysis of TC-PTP in non-epidermal tissues from K14Cre.Ptpn2fl/fl mice. Brain, heart, liver, lung, and stomach were collected from K14Cre.Ptpn2fl/fl mice and total cell lysates were prepared.