(A–H) Immunostaining of lung sections collected from wild-type, Yapf/f; spcCre/+ and Yapf/f; Sox9Cre/+ mice at 12.5 and 18.5 days post coitus (dpc) as indicated. Lung cysts were detected in the distal airway of Yapf/f; spcCre/+ and Yapf/f; Sox9Cre/+ mice. Cell types in the proximal airway of Yapf/f; spcCre/+ and Yapf/f; Sox9Cre/+ mice appeared to be properly specified as indicated by their expression of CC10 (Clara cell marker) and acetylated-tubulin [Ac-tub] (ciliated cell marker). SOX2 expression, which marks the proximal airway, was detected in a localized region of the lung cyst in Yapf/f; spcCre/+ mice at 12.5 dpc. This suggests that while lung branching morphogenesis was disrupted in Yapf/f; spcCre/+ lungs, specification of the proximal-distal airway was unaffected. Scale bar = 50 μm for A, E; 100 μm for B–D, F–H.