Table 1.
Summary of behavioral assays.
Assay | Resemblance to core feature of ASDs | Quantitative measurements |
Three chamber test | Social communication deficits | Phase 1: “Sociability” - preference for social stimulus (stranger mouse) over an inanimate object Phase 2: “Social novelty” - preference for an unfamiliar mouse over the stranger mouse used in the sociability phase |
Habituation/dishabituation | Social communication deficits | Time spent interacting with the same mouse during the trial period over several days and time spent with a novel mouse on the last trial |
Partition test | Social communication deficits | Time spent near a barrier that separates the test mouse from a stranger mouse |
Direct social interaction tests | Social communication deficits | Duration, type (e.g. aggressive), and amount of social interactions |
Ultrasonic vocalizations | Social communication deficits | Number, duration, and complexity of vocalizations |
Nest-building | Social communication deficits | Amount of nesting material used, size of nest, or numerical scoring system |
Self-grooming | Repetitive behavior | Time spent grooming or number of grooming bouts |
Jumping | Repetitive behavior | Time spent jumping or number of jumping bouts |
Digging | Repetitive behavior | Time spent digging or number of digging bouts |
Hole board test | Repetitive behavior | Number of total hole-pokes or number of consecutive (2+) pokes in the same hole |
Marble-burying test | Repetitive behavior | Number of marbles buried |