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. 2017 Feb 20;7(2):e243. doi: 10.1038/nutd.2016.54

Table 3. Markers of metabolic health across clusters of dairy consumption.

Variable Cluster 1 ‘Whole milk'
Cluster 2 ‘Reduced fat milks and yogurt'
Cluster 3 ‘Butter and cream'
  n Mean±s.e. n Mean±s.e. n Mean±s.e.  
Healthy Eating Index 488 23.3c±8.5 371 28.0d±10.0 189 25.0e±9.4 <0.001
BMI (kg m2) 601 26.9±4.6 512 27.3±5.4 239 227.1±4.9 0.474
Body fat (%) 589 29.3±9.1 497 29.1±8.9 231 29.2±8.9 0.593
Muscle mass (kg) 400 50.8±11.0 301 52.3±11.2 161 51.4±11.1 0.205
Waist circumference (cm) 378 89.7±12.3 301 89.2±12.3 166 89.2±14.0 0.443
Waist-to-hip ratio 378 0.87±0.1 301 0.87±0.1 166 0.87±0.1 0.802
BP—systolic (mmHg) 249 123.41±1.0 205 125.42±1.2 164 120.6±1.6 0.053
BP—diastolic (mmHg) 249 78.2±10.7 205 77.7±10.5 105 76.9±10.8 0.338
Serum trigs (mmol l−1) 251 1.31c,d±0.05 212 1.36c±0.06 106 1.13d±0.07 0.028
Serum total cholesterol (mmol l−1) 264 4.94c ±0.07 216 5.16d±0.06 109 4.8c±0.1 0.015
Serum direct HDL (mmol l−1) 262 1.54±0.02 214 1.62±0.03 108 1.57±0.04 0.126
LDL-C (calculated) (mmol l−1) 259 2.80±0.06 213 2.91±0.07 108 2.72±0.09 0.217
Serum glucose (mmol l−1) 261 5.30±0.06 216 5.23±0.07 109 5.12±0.09 0.225
Serum insulin (μ IU ml−1) 234 9.00±0.46 205 8.74±0.54 106 9.51±0.70 0.689
HOMAa 259 2.28±0.15 216 2.18±0.17 107 2.37±0.22 0.791
QUICKIb 259 0.36±0.002 216 0.36±0.003 107 0.36±0.004 0.573
Serum IL2 (pg ml−1) 240 1.73±0.16 195 1.51±0.2 94 1.68±0.25 0.689
Serum IL6 (pg ml−1) 240 1.96±0.23 195 2.13±0.27 94 1.52±0.35 0.372
Serum IL10 (pg ml−1) 240 0.92±0.15 200 0.96±0.17 103 1.1±0.21 0.739
Serum leptin (ng ml−1) 252 5.14±0.46 210 4.29±0.53 106 4.9±0.71 0.473
Serum resistin (ng ml−1) 362 6.04±0.19 325 5.91±0.23 148 6.13±0.29 0.816
Serum C-peptide (ng ml−1) 174 2.0±0.13 134 1.86±0.16 74 2.27±0.21 0.289
Serum TNFA (pg ml−1) 252 7.23±0.16 210 6.55d±0.19 106 6.82d,e±0.24 0.023
Adiponectin (μg ml−1) 263 5.89±0.20 216 6.30±0.24 109 5.85±0.30 0.342
Leptin soluble receptor (ng ml−1) 264 27.51±6.0 216 28.7±7.1 109 28.1 ±6.6 0.056

Abbreviations: ANCOVA, analysis of covariance; BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; HOMA, Homeostasis Model Assessment; IL, interleukin; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol; QUICKI, Quantitative Insulin Sensitivity Check Index; SFA, saturated fat.


HOMA was calculated by (Glucose x Insulin) /22.5.


QUICKI was derived using the inverse of the sum of the logarithms of the fasting insulin and fasting glucose: mean values were analysed across clusters via ANCOVA, adjusting for age, gender, energy intake, Healthy Eating Index, smoking and BMI, where applicable (i.e., not line 1 or 2). Different superscript (c, d, e) letters indicate Bonferroni correction was applied during ANCOVA. Significant differences between the groups after post hoc correction.

Ns are presented individually for each variable, as not all variables were available for all the subjects. Figures are shown for fasted samples only. Significant values P < 0.05 are shown in bold.