Figure 5.
Summary scheme for the reduction in sexual conflict by removal of the sex peptide pathway. In controls (grey bars) the fitness optimum for 2nd males (M2) and females (F) differed from that of the 1st male (M1). Maximum mean offspring, for SPR+, is indicated by the large grey arrows for the first and second males and the female. When we removed the sex peptide pathway (using SPR0 females) the fitness optimum of all individuals converged on the 5 h remating interval. Maximum mean offspring, for SPR0, is indicated by the white arrows, for the first and second males and the female. Hence, sexual conflict was reduced in the absence of SPR. At each interval, pairs were given 2 h in which to remate, starting at the times indicated (i.e. 3–5 h, 5–7 h, 24–26 h, and 48–50 h). Post hoc analysis results are indicated by the horizontal brackets comparing the maximum mean offspring production value to all other remating internals within SPR+ (dark grey) and SPR0 (light grey) treatments. n.s.: not significant, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. (Online version in colour.)