Coiling response to the leaves and chemicals. (a) The three-dimensional plot showing the relationships among the coiling responses of Cayratia japonica to fresh leaves from 10 species (SO, Spinacia oleracea; OD, Oxalis debilis; RJ, Rumex japonicas; CJ, Cayratia japonica; CE, Colocasia esculenta; SV, Setaria viridis; SC, Solidago Canadensis; CS, Conyza sumatrensis; PL, Pueraria lobate; BN, Boehmeria nivea) and the leaf contents of soluble and insoluble oxalates. Each dot represents the mean coiling angle, soluble oxalate content and insoluble oxalate content of each species. Details are provided in the electronic supplementary material, table S3. (b) The scatter box plot indicating the coiling angles of tendrils in response to a stick coated with agarose, citric acid, calcium oxalate (Ca-ox), potassium oxalate (K-ox), sodium oxalate (Na-ox) or without any chemical coating (the control) 1 h after contact. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences (p < 0.01).