Figure 1.
ALCHEMIST Aims to Determine Survival Impact of Additional Targeted Therapy or Immunotherapy in Patients Who Have Undergone Resection and Standard Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Stage IB-IIIA Nonsquamous NSCLC. A081107 Investigates 2 Years of Erlotinib Versus Placebo in EGFR-Mutant NSCLC. EA4512 Compares Crizotinib Versus Placebo in ALK-Mutant NSCLC. EA5142 Randomizes Patients to Receive Either 1 Year of Nivolumab Versus Observation in PD-L1 Positive Patients Defined by >3% Staining by Immunohistochemistry
Abbreviation: NSCLC = non–small-cell lung cancer.