Fig. 2.
POC for the effects of MPP on Aβ quantification. a Gel electrophoresis for synthetic Aβ42 form assay. Twenty microliters of 8% DMSO in 1× PBS (–MPP) or 20 μl of 8% MPP solution in 1× PBS (+MPP) was added to 20 μl of 2 μM Aβ42 (final concentration, 1 μM; aliquots from the same pool, in separate 1.5-ml tubes, n = 4), and the samples were electrophoresed. Band intensity squared deviation ((value – mean value)2) indicates how far each point is from the mean value (**P < 0.01, F test to compare variances; each n = 4). b Gel electrophoresis for synthetic Aβ42 form assay with the original plasma sample. Twenty microliters of 8% DMSO and 25% plasma in 1× PBS (–MPP) or 20 μl of 8% MPP and 25% plasma in 1× PBS (+MPP) was added to 20 μl of 2 μM Aβ42 (final concentration, 1 μM; aliquots from the same pool, in separate 1.5-ml tubes, n = 4), and the samples were electrophoresed. Band intensity squared deviation indicates how far each point is from the mean value (# P < 0.1, a trend toward significance; **P < 0.01, F test to compare variances; each n = 4). c Repetitive measurement of synthetic Aβ42 (aliquots from the same pool, in separate 1.5-ml tubes, n = 6) using xMAP technology, with or without MPP and/or HSA. HSA was used for mimicking blood plasma condition. Squared deviation indicates how far each point is from the mean value (**P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001, F test to compare variances). d Repetitive measurement (aliquots from the same pooled plasma, in separate 1.5-ml tubes, n = 5) of plasma Aβ42 and Aβ40 using xMAP technology, with or without MPP. Squared deviation indicates how far each point is from the mean value (*P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01, F test to compare variances). e Quantification of plasma Aβ42 and Aβ40 in a time-dependent manner using xMAP technology, with or without 4% MPP solution in Bioplex sample diluent buffer (n = 4, independent individual plasma samples; *P < 0.05, unpaired t test for –MPP vs + MPP at each time point). m monomeric Aβ; o oligomeric Aβ, Aβ β-amyloid, MPP mixture of protease inhibitors and phosphatase inhibitors, HSA human serum albumin