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. 2017 Mar 21;15:2. doi: 10.1186/s12962-017-0064-9

Table 7.

Scale up cost of ASHA facilitated PLA women’s group intervention across India.

Source: CBGA (February 2017): what do the number tell? An analysis of Union Budget 2017–2018

Particulars Amount (INR) per ASHA/ASHA facilitator Total amount (INR in crores) for nine hundred thousand ASHAs
Training on PLA facilitation to ASHA facilitators (as 20 ASHAs are supervised by one ASHA facilitator, around 45,000 ASHA facilitators will be trained on different phases of PLA for 10 days at the rate of INR 1000 per day. These ASHA facilitators will provide support to nine hundred thousand ASHAs to conduct PLA with women’s groups) 10,000 45
Printing of PLA modules for ASHAs 500 45
Printing of picture cards for ASHAs (for each ASHA, 20 picture cards @ INR 10 per card will be printed) 200 18
Incentives to ASHAs for facilitating PLA meetings with women’s groups (Each ASHA will conduct 20 meetings with women’s group and will be incentivised @ INR 150 per meeting) 3000 270
Total budgetary outlay for scaling up ASHA facilitated PLA with women’s groups across India 378
Total budgetary allocation in health in India during the year 2017–2018 (% of total budgetary outlay for scaling up ASHA facilitated women’s group to total health budget during the year 2017–2018) 48,852.5 (0.77%)
Total budgetary outlay for NHM in India during the year 2017–2018 (% of total budgetary outlay for scaling up ASHA facilitated women’s group to total NHM budget during the year 2017–2018) 27,131.2 (1.39%)