Fig 2. A representative network of molecules which are predicted targets of miRNAs 1, 214, 342, and 378.
NF kappa B is the central nodal molecule of this network, but importantly, NF kappa B is not a predicted target to any of the altered miRNAs. The NF kappa B could be involved in pathogenesis as the molecules in the network are modulated by miRNAs, and the network function would change as a consequence. The solid arrow between molecules depicts experimentally proven relationship. A dashed line depicts inferred interaction based on experimental evidence. Solid feed-back circular line with an arrow (Auto-regulation). Representation of the shapes: Vertical Diamond–Enzyme; Horizontal Diamond–Peptidase; Equilateral Triangle–Phosphatase; Inverted Equilateral Triangle–Kinase; Solid line square–Cytokine; Dashed line square–Growth Factor; Circle–Other; Trapezoid–Transporter; Double line circle–Complex (like Beta ark).