Figure 5.
Chemogenetic inhibition of VTA 5-HT2CR neurons does not alter food intake or operant responding for food reward. (a) Representative image of Cre-dependent expression of hM4D(Gi)-mCherry specifically within the VTA of a 5-HT2CRCRE:YFP mouse. (b) Firing rate of 5-HT2CRCRE:YPF::hM4Di-mCherryVTA neurons decreased upon 10 μM CNO application. (c) CNO 2 mg/kg had no effect on 1 h chow intake (n=14). (d) CNO 2 mg/kg had no effect on the breakpoint in the experimental group [AAV-hM4D (Gi)] compared with the control [AAV-mCherry] in ad libitum condition (n=29) or (e) food-restricted condition (n=30).