Fewer unwanted dental effects than with dental anchorage [14,19–24]
Greater maxillary advancement [14,19–21,24,25]
Greater skeletal effect [19,22,23]
The force vector passes through the centre of resistance of the maxilla [19]
Less anti-clockwise [US: counterclockwise] rotation of the maxilla [19]
Intermaxillary elastic bands with skeletal anchorage can be worn 24h a day [19]
Greater facial profile improvement [19]
Intermaxillary elastics with skeletal anchorage do not require as much cooperation as with dental anchorage [19]
Vertical changes do not appear in any of the craniofacial structures [21]
Greater improvement in overjet and molar relation [14]
Lower traction force needed with elastics (up to 250 g per side) [22,23]
Possible to achieve maxillary advancement in older patients than with dental anchorage [24]
Less clockwise rotation of the mandible [24]
Dental alignment can be performed simultaneously [24]<0}