Fig 3. Comparison of δ 15N values at different sites shows the Hungarian sites falling between German and Inner Asian ones.
The colours indicate the general location of the sites. Red: Germany; blue: Inner Asia; green: Hungary (data from this study). Key to sites: WGT—Weingarten (fifth to sixth century AD, Germany) [9]; AED—Altenerding (fifth to sixth century AD, Germany) [10]; SB—Straubing (fifth to sixth century AD, Germany) [10]; OBM—Obermöllern (fifth to sixth century AD, Germany) [11]; RAT—Rathewitz (fifth to sixth century AD, Germany) [11]; AID—Ai-Dai (fifth to second century BC, western Siberia) [14]; AYM—Aymyrlyg (eighth to fifth century BC, western Siberia) [14]; TAV—Tavan Tolgoi (thirteenth to fourteenth century AD, eastern Mongolia) [89]; TSA—Tsaganchuluut (thirteenth to fourteenth century AD, eastern Mongolia) [89]; HMC—Hets Mountain Cave (fifteenth to sixteenth century AD, eastern Mongolia) [90]; KFP—Keszthely-Fenékpuszta; HAC—Hács-Béndekpuszta; GYS—Győr; MOZ—Mözs; SZO—Szolnok-Szanda. Columns are labelled as coll—collagen, M2 –second molar and M3 –third molar.