Table 2. Details of conditional cash transfer programmes included in the systematic review.
Programme/ Period of implementation | Included studies, quality, sample size and year data collected | Maternal and newborn health entitlements | Supply-side components | Details of any changes to programme design | Source of funding |
Bolsa Familia, Brazil/ 2003-present | Guanais (2013)—high quality: 54,213 women during 1998–2010 [15]; Shei (2013)—high quality: national data during 1998–2008 [16] | Households receive, on average, 170 real (USD 75) monthly (conditional on ANC visits for pregnant women in a household) | No, but took place alongside expansion of the Family Health Program | None identified | National government |
Comunidades Solidarias Rurales, El Salvador/2005-present | De Brauw and Peterman (2011)—medium quality: 269 and 287 households at baseline and follow-up during 2008 [17] | USD 30, monthly (conditional on ANC visits for pregnant women) | No, but took place alongside investments in health system infrastructure in intervention areas | Phased roll-out, beginning with poorest areas | National government |
Mi Familia Progresa, Guatemala/2008-present | Gutierrez (2011)—medium quality: 4,563 households during 2009 and 2010 [18] | 150 quetzales (USD 15), monthly (conditional on ANC visits for pregnant women) | No | None identified | National government |
Programa de asignación Familiar, Honduras/1990-present | Morris (2004)—medium quality: 11,002 households during 2000 and 2002 [19] | Vouchers worth 55 lempiras (USD 4), monthly (conditional on ANC visits for pregnant women) | No, but some intervention areas were supposed to receive funds for improving healthcare infrastructure. A study on the programme indicated that this did not take place (Morris et al. 2004) | Programme design altered in 1998 to increase value of vouchers and revise eligibility criteria | National government |
Program Keluarga Harapan, Indonesia/2008-present | Alatas et al. (2011)—medium quality: 14,987 and 14,922 women at baseline and follow-up during 2007 and 2009 [20]; Triyana (2012)—medium quality: 14,987 and 14,922 women at baseline and follow-up during 2007 and 2009 [21] | 250,000 rupiah (USD 28) per quarter to households with a pregnant or lactating mother (conditional on 4 x ANC, SBA and 2 x PNC for mothers and newborns) | No | Piloted in five provinces | National government |
Prospera (previously Oportunidades), Mexico/1997-present | Barber and Gertler (2008)—medium quality: 840 women during 2003 [23]; Barber and Gertler (2009)—medium quality: 892 women during 2003 [24]; Barber (2010)—medium quality: 979 women during 2003 [22]; Barham (2011)—high quality: 19,421 women during 1992–2001 [25]; Hernandez Prado et al. (2004a)—high quality: 2,445 municipalities during 1995–2002 [26]; Hernandez Prado et al. (2004b)—medium quality: 29,041 and 7,802 women at baseline and follow-up during 1998–2000 and 2003 [27]; Sosa-Rubai et al. (2011)—high quality: 5,051 women during 2007 [28]; Urquieta et al. (2009)—medium quality: 2,790 women during 1998 and 2000 [29] | 180 pesos (USD 17), monthly (conditional on five ANC visits and attendance at health education talks) | No | Phased roll-out and payment size increased periodically | National government |
Plan de Atención Nacional a la Emergencia Social (PANES), Uruguay& 2005–2007 | Amarante et al. (2011)—medium quality: 67,863 women during 2003–2007 [30] | 1,360 pesos (USD 55), monthly (conditional on regular ANC in 2007) | No | Payment size adjusted for inflation | National government |
Notes: ANC—antenatal care, SBA—birth with a skilled birth attendant, PNC—postnatal care