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. 2017 Mar 22;12(3):e0173068. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0173068

Table 2. Details of conditional cash transfer programmes included in the systematic review.

Programme/ Period of implementation Included studies, quality, sample size and year data collected Maternal and newborn health entitlements Supply-side components Details of any changes to programme design Source of funding
Bolsa Familia, Brazil/ 2003-present Guanais (2013)—high quality: 54,213 women during 1998–2010 [15]; Shei (2013)—high quality: national data during 1998–2008 [16] Households receive, on average, 170 real (USD 75) monthly (conditional on ANC visits for pregnant women in a household) No, but took place alongside expansion of the Family Health Program None identified National government
Comunidades Solidarias Rurales, El Salvador/2005-present De Brauw and Peterman (2011)—medium quality: 269 and 287 households at baseline and follow-up during 2008 [17] USD 30, monthly (conditional on ANC visits for pregnant women) No, but took place alongside investments in health system infrastructure in intervention areas Phased roll-out, beginning with poorest areas National government
Mi Familia Progresa, Guatemala/2008-present Gutierrez (2011)—medium quality: 4,563 households during 2009 and 2010 [18] 150 quetzales (USD 15), monthly (conditional on ANC visits for pregnant women) No None identified National government
Programa de asignación Familiar, Honduras/1990-present Morris (2004)—medium quality: 11,002 households during 2000 and 2002 [19] Vouchers worth 55 lempiras (USD 4), monthly (conditional on ANC visits for pregnant women) No, but some intervention areas were supposed to receive funds for improving healthcare infrastructure. A study on the programme indicated that this did not take place (Morris et al. 2004) Programme design altered in 1998 to increase value of vouchers and revise eligibility criteria National government
Program Keluarga Harapan, Indonesia/2008-present Alatas et al. (2011)—medium quality: 14,987 and 14,922 women at baseline and follow-up during 2007 and 2009 [20]; Triyana (2012)—medium quality: 14,987 and 14,922 women at baseline and follow-up during 2007 and 2009 [21] 250,000 rupiah (USD 28) per quarter to households with a pregnant or lactating mother (conditional on 4 x ANC, SBA and 2 x PNC for mothers and newborns) No Piloted in five provinces National government
Prospera (previously Oportunidades), Mexico/1997-present Barber and Gertler (2008)—medium quality: 840 women during 2003 [23]; Barber and Gertler (2009)—medium quality: 892 women during 2003 [24]; Barber (2010)—medium quality: 979 women during 2003 [22]; Barham (2011)—high quality: 19,421 women during 1992–2001 [25]; Hernandez Prado et al. (2004a)—high quality: 2,445 municipalities during 1995–2002 [26]; Hernandez Prado et al. (2004b)—medium quality: 29,041 and 7,802 women at baseline and follow-up during 1998–2000 and 2003 [27]; Sosa-Rubai et al. (2011)—high quality: 5,051 women during 2007 [28]; Urquieta et al. (2009)—medium quality: 2,790 women during 1998 and 2000 [29] 180 pesos (USD 17), monthly (conditional on five ANC visits and attendance at health education talks) No Phased roll-out and payment size increased periodically National government
Plan de Atención Nacional a la Emergencia Social (PANES), Uruguay& 2005–2007 Amarante et al. (2011)—medium quality: 67,863 women during 2003–2007 [30] 1,360 pesos (USD 55), monthly (conditional on regular ANC in 2007) No Payment size adjusted for inflation National government

Notes: ANC—antenatal care, SBA—birth with a skilled birth attendant, PNC—postnatal care