Table 6. Details of vouchers for maternity care services included in the systematic review.
Programme | Included studies, quality and sample size | Maternal and newborn health entitlements | Supply-side components | Period of programme implementation | Details of any changes to programme design | Source of funding |
Pilot programme, Bangladesh | Rob et al. (2009)—low quality: 436 and 414 women at baseline and follow-up during 2007 and 2008 [49] | Vouchers were targeted to poor women, distributed free of charge and entitled the holder to 3 x ANC, childbirth services, 1 x PNC for mother and newborn, and transport costs for each service | Payments to healthcare providers for care | 2007–2008 | None identified | International non-governmental organisation (Population Council) |
Maternal Health Voucher Scheme, Bangladesh | Ahmed and Khan (2011)—medium quality: 3,600 women during 2008 [46]; Hatt et al. (2010)—medium quality: 2,208 women during 2009 [47]; Nguyen et al. (2012)—medium quality: 2,208 women during 2009 [48] | Vouchers are targeted to poor women or distributed universally (depending on the district), are distributed free of charge and entitle the holder to 3 x ANC, FB or SBA at home, 1 x PNC for mother and newborn, CS, and transport costs, a gift box and cash for women who give birth in a facility | Payments to healthcare providers for care | 2007-present | None identified | National government |
Voucher programme, Cambodia | Van de Poel et al. (2014)—medium quality: 18,754 women during 2010 [50] | Vouchers were targeted to poor women or distributed universally (depending on the district), free of charge and entitled the holder to ANC, FB and PNC for mother and newborn at government healthcare facilities | Payments to healthcare providers for care | 2007–2010 | None identified | National government |
Chiranjeevi Yojana, India | Bhat et al. (2009)—low quality: 656 women during 2006 [65]; De Costa et al. (2014)—high quality: state-wide data during 2000–2010 [52]; Mohanan et al. (2014)—high quality: 12,081 women during 2007–2009 and 2010 [53] | Free maternity care services for women with a below poverty line card | Payments to healthcare providers for care | 2005-present | Phased roll-out; Reimbursement rates for providers increased | State government |
Sambhav scheme, India | IFPS Project (2012)—medium quality (economic study): one district [54] | Vouchers were targeted to poor women, distributed free of charge and entitled the holder to 3 x ANC, FB and PNC for mother and newborn at accredited private hospitals | Payments to healthcare providers for care | 2007–2013 | None identified | Bilateral donor (USAID) |
Vouchers for Health, Kenya | Amendah et al. (2013)—medium quality: 627 women during 2006–2012 [55]; Bellows et al. (2012)—medium quality: 1,914 and 2,448 women at baseline and follow-up during 2006 and 2009 [56]; Obare et al. (2012)—medium quality: 2,527 women during 2010–2011 [58]; Obare et al. (2014)—medium quality: 2,933 and 3,094 women at baseline and follow-up during 2010–2011 and 2012 [57]; Watt et al. (2015)—low quality: 934 and 569 women at baseline and follow-up during 2010 and 2012 [59] | Vouchers are targeted to poor women, sold for 200 shillings (USD 2.50) and entitle the holder to 4 x ANC, FB (including CS and treatment of neonatal complications if necessary) and PNC for mother and newborn up to six weeks after childbirth | Payments to healthcare providers for care | 2006-present | Pilot scheme managed by a parastatal organisation. Phased expansion and transfer to Ministry of Health control. Switched from commission-based to salaried voucher distributors | Early phases funded by bilateral donor (KfW, Germany). National government has begun to contribute |
Pilot programmes, Pakistan | Agha (2011a)—medium quality: 2,018 and 2,033 women at baseline and follow-up during 2009 and 2010 [60]; Agha (2011b)—low quality: 681 and 742 women at baseline and follow-up during 2010 [61] | Voucher booklets were targeted to poor women, sold for 100 rupees (USD 1.20) and entitled the holder to 3 x ANC, FB, 1 x PNC for mother and newborn, CS | Payments to healthcare providers for care | Urban: 2008–2009; Rural: 2010 | None identified | Bilateral donor (USAID) |
HealthyBaby vouchers, Uganda | Reproductive Health Vouchers Evaluation Team (2012)—low quality: 2,443 and 2,895 at baseline and follow-up during 2008 and 2010–2011 [62] | Vouchers are targeted to poor women, sold for 3,000 shillings (USD 1.50) and entitle the holder to 4 x ANC, childbirth services and PNC | Payments to healthcare providers for care | 2008-present | Maternal health vouchers added to an existing reproductive health voucher programme | Bilateral donor (KfW, Germany) and the World Bank |
Makerere Voucher Programme, Uganda | Alfonso et al. (2015)—low quality (economic study) and medium quality (quantitative study): sample chosen from among 810,618 women during 2007–2011 [63]; Mayora et al. (2014)—low quality (economic study) [64] | Vouchers were distributed universally in intervention areas, were free of charge and entitled the holders to FB and transportation. PNC for mother and newborn was included if mother/newborn experienced complications | Payments to healthcare providers for care, and transport providers received fixed payments for the average distance to travel in the intervention area | 2009–2011 | Antenatal care and PN vouchers withdrawn after pilot (2009–2010) due to unexpectedly large demand for vouchers | International non-governmental organisation (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) |
Notes: ANC—antenatal care, FB—birth in healthcare facilities, SBA—birth with a skilled birth attendant, PNC—postnatal care, CS—caesarean section in case of obstetric complications