Figure 5. sandman and galene jointly encode a potassium channel.
(A) Representative whole-cell currents in physiological K+ and Na+ gradients from Sandman (n = 5), Galene (n = 6), and co-transfection of both (n = 11) during voltage steps (below). (B) Normalized whole-cell currents from voltage ramps in various bath solutions. The dotted line plots the I/V curve for a hypothetical ion channel with no rectification in symmetric K+. The inset plots the observed reversal potential compared to a potassium-selective conductance (dashed line) at various [K+] in/out ratios. The internal pipet solution is (in mM) 150 K+, 5 Na+, 3 Mg2+, 161 Cl−, 10 HEPES, pH 7.4 (in mM). The bath solution [K+] and [Na+] or [NMDG+] are as indicated (in mM), excepting the ‘Divalent-free’ solution which substitutes 2 mM EDTA for the divalent cations. n = 9 cells. All pooled data represent the mean +/− s.d. All voltage potentials are relative to ground.