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. 2017 Feb 2;8(9):15815–15826. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.15012

Table 2. Subgroup analyses of the potential effects of CTCs on survival outcomes in esophageal cancer patients.

Disease progression* Overall survival
n HR(95%CI) pheterogeneity I2(%) n HR(95%CI) pheterogeneity I2(%)
Sampling time
 NR 1 0.76(0.56-1.03) - - 2 2.80(0.29-27.53) 0.0029 79.2
 baseline 7 2.65(1.95-3.60) 0.334 12.5 7 3.39(2.22-5.20) 0.285 19.0
 post-therapy 5 2.15(1.54-3.01) 0.475 0 2 1.69(0.94-3.01) 0.631 0
Sample size
 <50 3 2.83(1.53-5.24) 0.864 0 5 2.68(0.87-8.27) 0.398 1.5
 ≧50 10 2.21(1.41-3.47) <0.001 79.9 6 2.65(1.59-4.43) 0.009 67.3
Detection method
 RT-PCR 11 2.26(1.47-3.47) <0.001 78.4 10 2.61(1.54-4.43) 0.024 53.1
 IE/IF 2 2.75(1.28-5.88) 0.601 0
 CellSearch 1 2.81(1.96-4.02) - -
Detection rate(%)
 <30 2 1.79(1.28-2.51) 0.619 0 5 2.80(1.72-4.54) 0.127 44.3
 ≧30 11 2.52(1.51-4.20) <0.001 79.1 5 1.83(0.66-5.07) 0.052 57.3
CTC markers
 CEA mRNA 1 0.76(0.56-1.03) - - 2 1.06(0.51-2.22) 0.808 0
 CK19 mRNA 2 2.14(1.30-3.51) 0.706 0 3 3.06(0.65-14.37) 0.150 47.4
 Survivin mRNA 3 4.01(2.49-6.45) 0.375 0 2 5.76(2.72-12.20) 0.491 0
 SCCA mRNA 1 3.00(1.05-8.56) - - 1 3.53(0.07-172.16) - -
 CEA & SCCA mRNA 2 1.79(1.28-2.51) 0.619 0 2 1.96(1.27-3.05) 0.373 0
 CEA, CK19 & Survivin mRNA 2 3.08(1.50-6.35) 0.606 0 - - - -

Disease progression outcomes include disease-free survival (DFS) and progression-free survival (PFS).

Abbreviations: RT-PCR, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction; IE/IF, Immunomagnetic enrichment/immunofluorescence staining; NR, not reported; CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen; CK19, cytokeratin 19; SCCA, squamous cell carcinoma antigen; CTC, circulating tumor cells; -, when the record number ≦1, the pheterogeneity and I2 cannot be calculated.