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. 2016 Jun 11;32:15–24. doi: 10.1007/8904_2016_553

Table 3.

Metabolic and exercise responses to endurance exercise training

Variable Participant #1 Participant #2 Participant #3 Participant #4 Mean
Mean +/−SD Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post P value
Weight (kg) 53.1 55.3 53.9 56.2 87.5 90.3 83.3 73.6 69.5 ± 18.5 68.9 ± 16.6 0.86
Hb (g/dL) 14.1 13.3 15.8 15.5 15.5 16.1 14.7 14.6 15.0 ± 0.8 14.9 ± 1.2 0.64
Hct (%) 40.6 37.1 44.3 44.3 44.0 46.4 43.1 41.5 43.0 ± 1.7 42.3 ± 4.0 0.62
WBC (K/cumm) 4.4 3.4 3.3 2.9 3.5 2.4 2.6 2.7 3.5 ± 0.7 2.9 ± 0.4 0.12
ANC (K/cumm) 1.6 1.1 0.5 0.6 1.7 0.7 0.7 0.4 1.1 ± 0.6 0.7 ± 0.3 0.16
Neutrophil (%) 37 33 13 22 49 31 25 13 31.0 ± 15.5 24.8 ± 9.2 0.36
Pre-albumin (mg/dL) 15.0 12.4 19.0 17.1 21.0 22.1 14.7 11.2 17.4 ± 3.1 15.7 ± 5.0 0.18
BNP (pg/mL) 196 121 26 43 15 18 10 15 61.8 ± 89.9 49.3 ± 49.5 0.60
Peak VO2 (L/min) 0.55 0.58 0.63 0.68 0.97 1.16 0.76 0.66 0.73 ± 0.18 0.77 ± 0.26 0.52
Peak Work (W) 50 60 50 60 80 70 70 60 62.5 ± 15.0 62.5 ± 5.0 1.00
Peak Time (s) 306 370 327 380 477 468 370 360 62.5 ± 15.0 62.5 ± 5.0 0.30
Peak HR (bpm) 144 151 142 169 171 169 171 136 157.0 ± 16.2 156.3 ± 16.0 0.96
Peak RER 1.9 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.7 1.4 1.7 ± 0.2 1.5 ± 0.2 0.10
Peak Ve 75 41 60 50 56 52 ** 30 63.7 ± 10.0 43.3 ± 10.0 0.22
ΔDeoxy-Hb (μM/s) 0.4 1.0 2.1 1.0 1.7 1.3 ** ** 1.4 ± 0.9 1.1 ± 0.2 0.60
SBP (mmHg) 100 98 96 102 130 98 120 93 112 ± 16 113 ± 15 0.60
DBP (mmHg) 70 70 62 70 60 72 66 50 65 ± 4 66 ± 10 0.88
LV mass index 26.7 29.7 20.0 26.3 31.2 26.3 37.3 37.3 28.8 ± 7.3 29.9 ± 5.2 0.68
LVEDV (mL) 194.3 176.5 137.2 125.5 151.0 179.3 168.8 173.4 162.8 ± 24.6 162.5 ± 25.1 0.98
LVESV (mL) 157.0 125.6 72.4 69.1 79.5 100.7 79.6 78.7 97.1 ± 40.1 93.5 ± 25.1 0.76
EF (%) 19 29 47 45 47 44 53 55 42 ± 15 43 ± 11 0.67
FS (%) 9.0 8.9 19.4 19.1 20.3 19.8 26.9 26.6 18.9 ± 7.4 18.6 ± 7.3 0.96
MPI 0.9 0.7 ** ** 0.44 0.54 0.51 0.68 0.62 ± 0.2 0.64 ± 0.1 0.86
E/A 2.7 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.8 ± 0.6 1.5 ± 0.2 0.28

Hb hemoglobin, Hct hematocrit, WBC white blood cell, ANC absolute neutrophil count, BNP brain natriuretic peptide, VO2 volume of oxygen consumption, Exs exercise, HR heart rate, RER respiratory exchange ratio, Ve ventilation, ΔDeoxy-Hb (μM/s) slope of deoxy-hemoglobin and time in micromoles per second, SBP systolic blood pressure, DBP diastolic blood pressure, LV left ventricle, LVEDV left ventricular end diastolic volume, LVESV left ventricular end systolic volume, FS fractional shortening, EF ejection fraction, MPI myocardial performance index, E/A early to late diastolic filling ratio

** Missing data