Figure 4.
Representation of set-shifting performance by two monkeys. (A) Cumulative response records during the last set-shifting session showing the number of correct and incorrect trials conducted by monkey 578 in session 37. Arrows with set-specific acronyms above them indicate initiation of a new set within the session. Advancing to a new set required 12 correct trials (blue triangles) out of 15 consecutive trials. Once the set was completed, a new set began. The total number of trials (ntrials) for this session is shown in the top left corner of the graph. (B) The number of correct and incorrect trials conducted by monkey 581 in session 37. Details are the same as graph in (A). (C) Overall performance on the set-shifting paradigm by monkey 578 and 581 during 10 last sessions (28–37). Data are in percentage of sessions when a certain set was completed. The acronyms are: SD, stimulus discrimination; R, reversal for any previous set; SSD, simple SD; ID, intradimensional discrimination; ED, extradimensional discrimination.