Figure 4.
Knockdown of FKBP5 protein with FKBP5-shRNA plasmid infusions. (A) Localized expression of GFP in IL 5 d after bilateral infusion of Fkbp5-shRNA plasmid. (B) Expression of GFP from Fkbp5-shRNA plasmid in IL neurons. (C) FKBP5 protein from IL tissue punches extracted 2 or 5 d after infusion of Fkbp5–shRNA plasmids normalized to GAPDH. (D) Western blot showing reduced expression of FKBP5 in IL tissue punches from rats 5 d after infusion of scramble or Fkbp5-shRNA plasmids. (*) P < 0.05, (**) P < 0.01, n = 4–5 rats in each group. (CC) corpus callosum.