Figure 1.
Three-view thoracic radiographs of a 9-year-old male neutered cat taken 3 weeks following the onset of lethargy, coughing and an episode of dyspnea. (a) Ventrodorsal, (b) left lateral and (c) right lateral radiographic projections. Note the severe diffuse, mixed bronchial-to-structured interstitial (miliary-to-nodular) pattern with peribronchial cuffing in all lung lobes. Note also the mild alveolar opacity present throughout the caudodorsal lung fields. The pulmonary pattern causes border effacement of the caudal pulmonary lobar vasculature, great vessels and, to a lesser degree, the caudal border of the cardiac silhouette, especially on the lateral projections. Note the normal extrapulmonary and extrathoracic structures