Amplitudes of a- and b-Waves in Full-Field ERGs
Full-field ERGs were recorded using the standard International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV) time course just prior to AAV vector injection (pre-AAV); 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 12 weeks after AAV vector injection; and just prior to euthanasia (pre-euthanasia). The ERG amplitudes in the two eyes from each group were averaged and plotted. (A) Amplitudes of b-waves in dark-adapted 0.01 full-field ERGs. (B and C) Amplitudes of a-waves (B) and b-waves (C) in dark-adapted 3.0 full-field ERGs. (D and E) Amplitudes of a-waves (D) and b-waves (E) in light-adapted 3.0 full-field ERGs.