6BIO Targets the AR and Inhibits AR Signaling in Prostate Cancer Cells
(A–C) Relative AR, PSA, and TMPRSS3 gene expression as determined by RT-PCR from total RNA derived from (A) LNCaP, (B) LAPC-4, and (C) 22Rv1 cells treated with 1 μM 6BIO for 24 hr. Values were normalized to β-actin mRNA expression and expressed as the mean ± SD. n = 3. ***p < 0.001, Student’s t test. (D–I) Representative western blot analysis of LNCaP (D and G), LAPC-4 (E and H), and 22Rv1 (F and I) cells treated with increasing concentrations of 6BIO for 2–3 days (D–F) or increasing treatment times at 2 or 4 μM concentration of 6BIO (G–I), as indicated. Values of protein reduction were calculated with ImageJ and normalized to GAPDH as the loading control and to the control, untreated cells. The experiments were repeated at least twice with similar results. AR, full-length AR; AR-V7, exons 4–8 deleted V7 isoform.