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. 2017 Mar 9;25:e2854. doi: 10.1590/1518-8345.1424.2854

Table 1. Comparison between the demographic variables of nurses working in the emergency room and intensive care units. São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 2014-2015 (n=162).

Variables Unit Total p-value
Emergency room n(%) Intensive care unit n(%) n(%)
Marital status
Married 13(28.3) 33(28.4) 46(28.4) 0.0058*
Single 33(71.7) 66(56.9) 99(61.1)
Stable union - 8(6.9) 8(4.9)
Separated - 9(7.8) 9(5.6)
Personal income
From 1 to 3 times the minimum wage 9(19.6) 3(2.6) 12(7.4) 0.0003
From 3 to 5 times 17(37.0) 68W(58.6) 85(52.5)
More than 5 times 20(43.5) 45(38.8) 65(40.1)
Mean (standard deviation) of the number of dependents on personal income 1.1(0.9) 1.6(1.5) 1.5(1.3) 0.0407†
Mean (standard deviation) of the number of dependents on family income 1.8(1.2) 2.7(1.6) 2.4(1.5) 0.0016†

*Chi-square test, †Analysis of Variance, ‡Minimum wage: R$ 788.00, Jan 1st 2015, Brazil.