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. 2017 Jan 5;106(4):579–585. doi: 10.1111/apa.13711

Table 2.

Factors affecting the use of prone sleeping, side sleeping and bed sharing during the first six months

Prone sleeping during the first six months
Prone n (%) Supine n (%) OR (95% CI)
Any breastfeeding
Yes 9 (69.2) 237 (75.7) 0.72, (0.22, 2.41)
No 4 (30.8) 76 (37.4) Ref
Any use of pacifier
Yes 9 (69.2) 263 (83.5) 0.44 (0.13, 1.50)
No 4 (30.8) 52 (16.5) Ref
Pacifier last sleep
Yes 8 (61.5) 174 (55.2) 1.30 (0.42, 4.05)
No 5 (38.5) 141 (44.8) Ref
Tobacco smoking during pregnancy
Yes 2 (15.4) 9 (2.9) 6.14 (1.18, 31.9)
No 11 (84.6) 304 (97.1) Ref
Tobacco smoking when answering the questionnaire
Yes 2 (15.4) 9 (2.9) 6.16 (1.19, 32.0)
No 11 (84.6) 305 (97.1) Ref
Side sleeping during the first six months
Side n (%) Supine n (%) OR (95% CI)
Any breastfeeding
Yes 59 (79.7) 237 (75.7) 1.26 (0.68, 2.35)
No 15 (20.3) 76 (24.3) Ref
Any use of pacifier
Yes 61 (82.4) 263 (83.5) 0.93 (0.48, 1.81)
No 13 (17.6) 52 (16.5) Ref
Pacifier last sleep
Yes 46 (62.2) 174 (55.2) 1.33 (0.79, 2.24)
No 28 (37.8) 141 (44.8) Ref
Tobacco smoking during pregnancy
Yes 1 (1.4) 9 (2.9) 0.46 (0.06, 3.71)
No 73 (98.6) 304 (97.1) Ref
Tobacco smoking when answering the questionnaire
Yes 2 (2.7) 9 (2.9) 0.94 (0.20, 4.45)
No 72 (97.3) 305 (97.1) Ref
Any bed sharing during the first six months
Any bed sharing
n (%)
Own bed
n (%)
OR (95% CI)
Any breastfeeding
Yes 148 (87.1) 147 (68.1) 3.16 (1.86, 5.37)
No 22 (12.9) 69 (31.9) Ref
Any use of pacifier
Yes 124 (72.9) 196 (89.9) 0.30 (0.17, 0.53)
No 46 (27.1) 22 (10.1) Ref
Pacifier last sleep
Yes 75 (44.1) 143 (65.6) 0.41 (0.27, 0.63)
No 95 (55.9) 75 (34.4) Ref
Tobacco smoking during pregnancy
Yes 1 (0.6) 11 (5.1) 0.11 (0.01, 0.87)
No 168 (99.4) 206 (94.9) Ref
Tobacco smoking when answering the questionnaire
Yes 0 (0.0) 13 (6.0) 0
No 170 (100.0) 204 (94.0) Ref

Based on a maximum of 710 responses. Bold odds ratios, ORs, and confidence intervals, CIs, denote statistical significance.