Figure 2.
ELISA Quantification of Total PEDF Secreted by PEDF-Transfected Primary Bovine IPE Cells
For each IPE sample, two control transfections without the addition of miniplasmid DNA and two transfections using 0.03 μg pFAR4-CMV SB100X SV40 transposase and 0.47 μg pFAR4-ITRs CMV PEDF BGH or pFAR4-ITRs CMV PEDFoptimized BGH miniplasmid DNA were carried out. (A) PEDF secretion by 1 × 104 initially used cells. Mean ± SD of 16 bovine eyes transfected with pFAR-PEDF 27.5 ± 9.8 days after electroporation and mean ± SD of eight bovine eyes transfected with pFAR-PEDFo 24.0 ± 7.4 days after electroporation. (B) PEDF secretion by 5 × 103 initially used cells. Mean ± SD of 15 bovine eyes transfected with pFAR-PEDF 28.5 ± 13.8 days after electroporation and mean ± SD of ten bovine eyes transfected with pFAR-PEDFo 27.1 ± 16.3 days after electroporation. Total PEDF secretion of PEDF- and PEDFo-transfected cells was compared to the respective control cells (p < 0.0001, unpaired two-tailed t test) and total PEDF secretion of PEDF-transfected cells was compared to total PEDF secretion of PEDFo-transfected cells (not significant for 1 × 104 cells and 5 × 103 cells, unpaired two-tailed t test).