Detection of gelatinase activity by ACPPs in cultured neurons exposed to NMDA. (a) and (b), deconvolution microscopy reveals greater uptake of the gelatinase-cleavable ACPP-Cy5 (red) in cultured neurons after gelatinase activation by NMDA compared to vehicle-treated neurons. The broad-spectrum MMP inhibitor Ca-DTPA (5 mM) reduced ACPP-Cy5 uptake. Neurons were identified by immunostaining with the specific neuronal markers MAP-2 and NeuN (green); DAPI (blue) labeled nuclei. As a control, cleavage-resistant ucACPP was not detected in neurons exposed to NMDA. (c) Gelatinase activity by in situ zymography at 0, 3, 24 h after incubation in 10 µg/ml DQ-gelatin-FITC compared to a 3 h incubation in 1 μM ACPP-Cy5. Scale bar, 40 µm (a), 20 µm (b), and 250 µm (c).