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. 2017 Mar 23;12(3):e0174294. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174294

Table 2. Mean and standard deviation (SD), Pearson correlation coefficients, root mean square (RMS) errors and coefficients of variation (%CV) of the measurements in subchondral bone compartments imaged at 5 and 10 μm/pixel resolution.

Microstructural parameter Mean ± SD Pearson r RMS error CV (%)
5 μm/pixel 10 μm/pixel 5 μm/pixel 10 μm/pixel
Subchondral bone plate volume (mm3) Medial 0.0606±0.0170 0.0825±0.0259 0.85** 0.0096 28.1 33.5
Lateral 0.0352±0.0051 0.0412±0.0051 0.81** 0.0032 14.6 16.2
Subchondral bone plate thickness (μm) Medial 161.6±46.1 210.7±68.9 0.84** 26.3 28.5 32.0
Lateral 91.3±13.9 100.5±13.7 0.81** 8.6 15.2 17.4
Trabecular total volume (mm3) Medial 0.0688±0.0172 0.0485±0.0258 0.84** 0.0099 25.1 53.3
Lateral 0.0952±0.0052 0.0898±0.0051 0.81** 0.0032 5.5 5.7
Trabecular bone volume (mm3) Medial 0.0505±0.0060 0.0394±0.0167 0.40 0.0058 11.9 42.5
Lateral 0.0505±0.0027 0.0585±0.0039 -0.19 0.0028 5.3 6.7
Trabecular BV/TV (%) Medial 76.2±12.9 85.1±9.2 0.94**** 4.8 17.0 9.6
Lateral 53.3±4.5 65.3±5.0 0.05 4.8 8.5 11.6

Subchondral bone plate volume, thickness, and trabecular total volume, bone volume, and BV/TV of the medial and lateral aspects of the tibial plateau quantified in 5 and 10 μm/pixel scans were paired and analysed. The mean and standard deviation (SD) of each parameter is reported as well as the Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) obtained from parametric analysis (**P<0.01 and ****P<0.0001). The RMS error obtained from linear regression analysis and the %CV for both resolutions are also reported (n = 10 in which medial/lateral aspects of the plateau in right and left legs were pooled together).