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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 May 1.
Published in final edited form as: Int J Psychophysiol. 2016 Sep 23;115:4–12. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2016.09.011

Table 1.

Bivariate Correlations (r) and Regression Coefficients (β) for Prediction of DSM-IV Axis-I clinical problems from Psychoneurometric Trait Measures.

Clinical Symptom Variable zero-order associations
regression model results
THT PsyNeuro r DIS PsyNeuro r Step 1
Step 2
Model Summary
THT PsyNeuro β DIS PsyNeuro β THT PsyNeuro x DIS PsyNeuro β Change R2 Model R
Fear Disorders
 Specific phobia .33** .02 .34** .05 .08 .006 .34**
 Social phobia .35** .12* .37** .15* .07 .005 .38**
 Panic disorder .15** .10* .16** .11* .07 .005 .20**
 Agoraphobia .07 .07 .08 .08 .12* .014* .15*
 OCD .13* .03 .14* .05 .07 .005 .16*
  Fear composite .41** .12* .44** .15* .13* .017** .46**
Distress Disorders
 Major depression .22** .21** .24** .23** .07 .004 .32**
 Dysthymia .16** .18** .18* .20** .11* .012* .27**
 GAD .17** .13* .20** .16** .16** .026** .28**
 PTSD .10* .08 .11* .09 .03 .001 .14*
  Distress composite .25** .23** .28** .26** .13** .017* .38**
Substance Use Disorders
 Alcohol abuse −.08 .40** −.06 .39** −.03 .001 .40**
 Alcohol dependence −.05 .42** −.02 .42** −.06 .001 .42**
 Drug abuse .03 .33** .05 .33** − .02 .001 .33**
 Drug dependence .01 .33** .03 .33** −.02 .001 .33**
  Substance use composite −.06 .45** −.04 .45** −.03 .001 .45**

Note: THTPsyNeuro = threat sensitivity assessed using neurophysiological and self-report indicators; DISPsyNeuro = weak response inhibition assessed using neurophysiological and self-report indicators; THTPsyNeuro x DISPsyNeuro Product = interaction term, computed as the product of mean-centered scores for THTPsyNeuro and DISPsyNeuro; r = Pearson correlation coefficient (indexing manifest-score associations); β = standardized regression coefficient; R = multiple regression coefficient; Change R2 = incremental variance accounted for by including the THTPsyNeuro x DISPsyNeuro interaction term. OCD = Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; GAD = Generalized Anxiety Disorder; PTSD = Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.


p < .05;


p <.001