Table 2.
Twin correlations and estimates of additive genetic (A), shared environmental (C), and nonshared environmental (E) variance components (and 95% confidence intervals) for trait variables (DISPsyNeuro, THTPsyNeuro) and DSM-IV symptom composites.
Variable | rMZ | rDZ | A | C | E |
THT PsyNeuro | .45 | .20 | .45 (.30 , .57) | - | .55 (.43 , .70) |
DIS PsyNeuro | .70 | .35 | .68 (.58 , .76) | - | .32 (.23 , .42) |
DIS PsyNeuro x THT PsyNeuro | .25 | .02 | .23 (.05, .39) | - | .77 (.61 , .95) |
Fear Symptoms | .47 | .12 | .45 (.29 , .58) | - | .55 (.42 , .71) |
Distress Symptoms | .39 | .17 | .38 (.23 , .52) | - | .62 (.49 , .77) |
Substance Use Symptoms | .56 | .40 | .66 (.55 , .74) | - | .34 (.26 , .45) |
Note. rMZ and rDZ = correlations for MZ and DZ twin pairs, respectively, generated using Mx (Neale et al., 2002).THTPsyNeuro = threat sensitivity assessed using neurophysiological and self-report indicators; DISPsyNeuro = weak response inhibition assessed using neurophysiological and self-report indicators. DSM-IV symptom variables are computed as composites reflecting aggregate symptom counts for Fear, Distress, and Substance Use disorders.