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. 2017 Mar 23;7:14. doi: 10.1186/s13561-017-0149-3

Table 4.

Effect of Lack of Birth Certificate on Individual Vaccines

Dependent variable: (4.1) (4.2) (4.3) (4.4) (4.5) (4.6) (4.7) (4.8) (4.9)
1 if child took vaccine, 0 otherwise BCG HEPB DTP1 DTP2 DTP3 OPV1 OPV2 OPV3 MCV
Child without birth certificate -0.031 -0.037 -0.131** -0.117* -0.088 -0.107** -0.007 -0.135* -0.299***
(0.032) (0.038) (0.053) (0.060) (0.072) (0.049) (0.045) (0.076) (0.083)
Card (seen) 0.029*** -0.029*** 0.027*** 0.089*** 0.175*** 0.005 0.172*** 0.426*** -0.143***
(0.007) (0.006) (0.008) (0.014) (0.018) (0.005) (0.014) (0.017) (0.017)
Aged 0-2 months 0.010 0.026 -0.926*** -0.875*** -0.742*** -0.944*** -0.897*** -0.719***
(0.012) (0.017) (0.023) (0.009) (0.008) (0.024) (0.007) (0.013)
Aged 3-6 months 0.000 0.013 -0.268*** -0.646*** -0.772*** -0.166*** -0.634*** -0.793*** -0.776***
(0.008) (0.011) (0.027) (0.024) (0.010) (0.023) (0.026) (0.008) (0.009)
Aged 7-12 months 0.013** 0.018* -0.018 -0.103*** -0.268*** -0.007 -0.075*** -0.276*** -0.705***
(0.005) (0.010) (0.013) (0.023) (0.027) (0.009) (0.022) (0.028) (0.014)
Child is a girl -0.000 -0.004 0.005 0.006 0.004 -0.006 -0.003 -0.006 0.004
(0.004) (0.007) (0.006) (0.010) (0.014) (0.004) (0.010) (0.015) (0.016)
Birth order -0.002 0.001 -0.006*** -0.009** -0.012** -0.003 -0.008** -0.009 -0.015**
(0.002) (0.003) (0.002) (0.004) (0.006) (0.002) (0.004) (0.006) (0.006)
Born in hospital/health center 0.059** 0.096** 0.054* 0.075 0.130** -0.003 -0.015 -0.011 0.168***
(0.028) (0.038) (0.031) (0.046) (0.056) (0.014) (0.031) (0.057) (0.064)
Mother's schooling in years 0.001* 0.002* 0.001 0.004** 0.008*** -0.001 0.005*** 0.008*** 0.005**
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.002) (0.002) (0.001) (0.002) (0.002) (0.003)
Mother works -0.001 0.007 -0.000 -0.005 0.003 0.002 -0.002 0.016 -0.000
(0.005) (0.007) (0.007) (0.012) (0.016) (0.005) (0.011) (0.017) (0.018)
One parent born abroad -0.004 -0.050** -0.010 -0.079** -0.058 -0.001 -0.082** -0.055 -0.041
(0.012) (0.023) (0.017) (0.036) (0.042) (0.011) (0.035) (0.043) (0.048)
Rural area 0.013** 0.024** 0.014* 0.026* 0.018 0.006 0.022 0.015 0.035
(0.006) (0.010) (0.009) (0.015) (0.021) (0.006) (0.014) (0.022) (0.023)
No water/electricity -0.065** -0.100*** -0.037 -0.112*** -0.248*** -0.001 -0.064* -0.130** -0.116**
(0.028) (0.035) (0.024) (0.043) (0.049) (0.012) (0.036) (0.054) (0.057)
Health center far away 0.007 -0.004 -0.024*** -0.023* -0.050*** -0.008 -0.004 -0.023 -0.028
(0.004) (0.008) (0.008) (0.012) (0.017) (0.005) (0.011) (0.017) (0.019)
Vaccinated in a campaign -0.011** -0.014* 0.003 0.020* 0.018 -0.003 0.020* 0.026 0.027
(0.005) (0.008) (0.007) (0.012) (0.016) (0.005) (0.011) (0.016) (0.018)
Dist to immun center in km -0.002 -0.006*** 0.003 -0.003 -0.006 0.000 -0.005* -0.008* -0.003
(0.001) (0.002) (0.002) (0.003) (0.005) (0.001) (0.003) (0.005) (0.005)
Immun cent attends morning/afternoon -0.006 0.009 0.006 0.017 -0.004 -0.000 -0.003 -0.031* -0.008
(0.005) (0.008) (0.007) (0.013) (0.017) (0.005) (0.012) (0.018) (0.018)
Observations 5157 5157 5157 5157 5157 5157 5157 5157 5157

Notes: All coefficients are marginal effects from regressions IV-PROBIT. Robust standard errors in parentheses. * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01. All regressions also include controls for municipality dummies