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. 2017 Feb 11;94(4):619–630. doi: 10.1007/s11746-017-2960-8

Table 2.

N solubility at pH 8.0 of the RSM and kinetic parameters for the hydrolysis curves of RSM toasted for different times and the soluble and insoluble fractions separated from these RSM

Toasting time N solubility RSM RSM Soluble protein fraction Insoluble protein fraction
(% of total N) DHmax (%) k (/M×s) DHmax (%) k (/M×s) DHmax (%) k (/M×s)
0 min 31.3 20.0 6.8E−05 14.7 1.2E−04 19.5 4.0E−05
20 min 21.1 18.3 8.0E−05 14.8 1.4E−04 22.8 4.0E−05
40 min 17.7 19.2 7.0E−05 15.3 1.3E−04 21.1 4.3E−05
60 min 15.3 19.0 6.7E−05 14.3 1.5E−04 21.4 2.4E−05
80 min 12.3 20.4 5.0E−05 15.8 1.6E−04 21.9 2.2E−05
100 min 11.4 20.2 4.8E−05 14.5 1.7E−04 21.7 2.4E−05
120 min 9.9 21.7 3.4E−05 15.3 1.4E−04 22.3 1.5E−05
SEM 0.2 0.3 4.5E−06 0.2 6.7E−06 0.3 3.0E−06
P value
 Linear <0.001 0.006b <0.001c 0.47 0.18 0.34 <0.001d
 Quadratic 0.001a 0.06 0.07 0.96 0.34 0.86 0.87

DH max maximum degree of hydrolysis, k rate of protein hydrolysis, RSM rapeseed meal, SEM standard error of the mean

aN solubility = 28.84 − 0.33 × time + 0.0015 × time2 (R 2 = 0.95)

bRSM DHmax = 18.33 + 0.023 × time (R 2 = 0.52)

cRSM k = 8.30E−05 − 3.71E−07 × time (R 2 = 0.80)

dInsolubles k = 4.46E−05 − 2.40E−07 × time (R 2 = 0.78)