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. 2017 Jan 17;129(12):1718–1728. doi: 10.1182/blood-2016-07-723015

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

CD8+ DCs suppress the MLR, increase IDO production, and retain the capacity to stimulate NKT-cell cytokine secretion. (A) To analyze the in vitro suppression of the proliferation of BALB/c splenic responder CD4+ or CD8+ T cells in the MLR, responder cells were labeled with CFSE (2.5 × 104 per well), and stimulated with irradiated (3000 rad) C57BL/6 splenic cells (5.0 × 104 per well). Sorted CD8+ DCs (2.5 × 104 per well) were or were not added to 5-day cultures. The sorted splenic CD8+ DCs were obtained from untreated (n = 9) or TLI-conditioned wild-type mice (n = 8). Representative plots of CFSE staining with percentages of CFSElo cells are shown. (B) Mean percentages of CD8+ DC suppression of proliferation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are shown. (C) Representative 1-color analyses of intensity of staining for IDO among gated CD8+ CD11c+ cells are shown. (D) (MFI) of IDO staining of gated CD8+ DCs from untreated (n = 9) or Jα18−/− (n = 5) or TLI-conditioned wild-type (n = 8) or Jα18−/− (n = 6) mice at day 5 after completion of TLI conditioning is shown. (E) Mean concentrations of IL-4 in supernatants of untreated or TLI-treated splenic CD8+ DCs, and untreated NKT cells that were cultured alone or together for 5 days with or without addition of α-GalCer.