Polyglutamine Reduces the Transcription of Small ncRNAs
(A) Number of aggregates measured in Q40 and Q40;moag-2/lir-3(pk2183) worms after RNAi knockdown of individual components of the Pol III complex. As an internal quality control for RNAi, squares indicate penetrance (50% [half-open] and 0% [open]) of all associated visible RNAi phenotypes other than aggregation. See also Figures S4A and S4B.
(B) Number of aggregates measured in Q40 and Q40;moag-2/lir-3(pk2183) worms upon RNAi knockdown of tRNA-processing enzymes. See also Figure S4C.
(C and D) Boxplot showing the relative expression of different gene biotypes in Q40 and Q40;moag-2/lir-3(pk2183) worms (C) and in N2 and Q40 wild-type worms (Q40 wild-type outcrossed from pk2183) (D). TPM, tags per kilobase million; Coding, protein-coding genes; ncRNA, non-coding RNA; Pseudo, pseudogenes; snRNA, small nuclear RNA; snlRNA, snRNA-like RNA; snoRNA, small nucleolar RNA; tRNA, transfer RNA. See also Figures S4D and S4E.
In (A) and (B), aggregate counting was performed at the L4 stage and the average of three biological replicates is represented. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. In (C) and (D), the average of three biological replicates is represented and significance was calculated using a two-tailed unpaired Student’s t test. ∗∗∗p < 0.001; ns is not significant. See also Figures S4D and S4E.