Figure 1.
(a) 1H (top) and 13C (bottom) NMR spectra of 1H (blue) and 1D (red) in DMSO-d6. Cab is the aryl carbon between Ha and Hb. (b) Binding isotherm with Cl– for 1:1 1H:1D in DMSO-d6 by 1H (solid lines) and 13C (dashed lines) NMR spectroscopy; lines added as a guide for the eye. Isotherm shape is consistent with weak 1:2 binding where Ka1:1 ≫ Ka. 13C NMR peaks are used for linear EIE fitting; the isotherms overlap, although the peaks are resolved. (c) Linearized plot of KaH/Ka (eq 1) for 1H:1D13C NMR peak corresponding to alkyne C1.