c-Fos staining of the SCN and ARC showing significant changes in Fos expression following glucose intake in SHAM animals, whereas experimental animals show no significant alterations in Fos expression. A, Representative photomicrographs of SCN c-Fos expression in SHAM en RC-cut animals in ad libitum, fasting or fasting and glucose intake. B, ARC c-Fos expression in SHAM en RC-cut animals during above stated conditions. C, Bar charts of c-Fos quantification in the SCN and ARC of SHAM en RC-cut animals. All animals were killed at ZT4 following ad libitum, 48 h of fasting or fasting followed by 5-ml 3% glucose intake 2 h before killing. Each value in C represents three to four animals (mean ± SEM). Scale bar, 70 μm; *significant between group difference; +significant within group difference. */+p < 0.05, **/++p < 0.01, ***/+++p < 0.001 (ANOVA analysis).