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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Mar 24.
Published in final edited form as: J Hosp Med. 2016 Feb 29;11(7):473–480. doi: 10.1002/jhm.2568

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics and Candidate Variables for Risk-Prediction Model.

Entire Cohort, N = 32,922 Derivation Cohort, N = 16,492

No Readmission, N = 14,312 Readmission, N = 2,180 P Value
Demographic characteristics
 Age, y, mean (SD) 62 (17.3) 61 (17.4) 64 (17.0) ≤0.001
 Female, n (%) 17,715 (53.8) 7,694 (53.8) 1,163 (53.3) 0.72
 Race/ethnicity ≤0.001
  white 21,359 (64.9) 9,239 (65.2) 1,361 (62.4)
  Black 5,964 (18.1) 2,520 (17.6) 434 (19.9)
  Hispanic 4,452 (13.5) 1,931 (13.5) 338 (15.5)
  Other 1,147 (3.5) 532 (3.7) 47 (2.2)
 Marital status, n (%) ≤0.001
  Single 8,076 (24.5) 3,516 (24.6) 514 (23.6)
  Married 13,394 (40.7) 5,950 (41.6) 812 (37.3)
  Separated/divorced 3,468 (10.5) 1,460 (10.2) 251 (11.5)
  Widowed 4,487 (13.7) 1,868 (13.1) 388 (17.8)
  Other 3,497 (10.6) 1,518 (10.6) 215 (9.9)
 Primary payer, n (%) ≤0.001
  Private 13,090 (39.8) 5,855 (40.9) 726 (33.3)
  Medicare 13,015 (39.5) 5,597 (39.1) 987 (45.3)
  Medicaid 2,204 (6.7) 852 (5.9) 242 (11.1)
  Charity, self-pay, or other 4,613 (14.0) 2,008 (14.0) 225 (10.3)
High-poverty neighborhood, n (%)* 7,468 (22.7) 3,208 (22.4) 548 (25.1) ≤0.001
Utilization history
 ≥1 ED visits in past year, n (%) 9,299 (28.2) 3,793 (26.5) 823 (37.8) ≤0.001
 ≥1 hospitalizations in past year, n (%) 10,189 (30.9) 4,074 (28.5) 1,012 (46.4) ≤0.001
Clinical factors from first day of hospitalization
 Nonelective admission, n (%) 27,818 (84.5) 11,960 (83.6) 1,960 (89.9) ≤0.001
 Charlson Comorbidity Index, median (IQR) 0 (0–1) 0 (0–0) 0 (0–3) ≤0.001
 Laboratory abnormalities within 24 hours of admission
  Albumin <2 g/dL 355 (1.1) 119 (0.8) 46 (2.1) ≤0.001
  Albumin 2–3 g/dL 4,732 (14.4) 1,956 (13.7) 458 (21.0) ≤0.001
  Aspartate aminotransferase >40 U/L 4,610 (14.0) 1,922 (13.4) 383 (17.6) ≤0.001
  Creatine phosphokinase <60 μg/L 3,728 (11.3) 1,536 (10.7) 330 (15.1) ≤0.001
  Mean corpuscular volume >100 fL/red cell 1,346 (4.1) 537 (3.8) 134 (6.2) ≤0.001
  Platelets <90 × 103/μL 912 (2.8) 357 (2.5) 116 (5.3) ≤0.001
  Platelets >350 × 103/μL 3,332 (10.1) 1,433 (10.0) 283 (13.0) ≤0.001
  Prothrombin time >35 seconds 248 (0.8) 90 (0.6) 35 (1.6) ≤0.001
Clinical factors from remainder of hospital stay
 Length of stay, d, median (IQR) 4 (2–6) 4 (2–6) 5 (3–8) ≤0.001
 ICU transfer after first 24 hours, n (%) 988 (3.0) 408 (2.9) 94 (4.3) ≤0.001
 Hospital complications, n (%)Ñ
  Clostridium difficile infection 119 (0.4) 44 (0.3) 24 (1.1) ≤0.001
  Pressure ulcer 358 (1.1) 126 (0.9) 46 (2.1) ≤0.001
  Venous thromboembolism 301 (0.9) 112 (0.8) 34 (1.6) ≤0.001
  Respiratory failure 1,048 (3.2) 463 (3.2) 112 (5.1) ≤0.001
  Central line-associated bloodstream infection 22 (0.07) 6 (0.04) 5 (0.23) 0.005
  Catheter-associated urinary tract infection 47 (0.14) 20 (0.14) 6 (0.28) 0.15
  Acute myocardial infarction 293 (0.9) 110 (0.8) 32 (1.5) ≤0.001
  Pneumonia 1,754 (5.3) 719 (5.0) 154 (7.1) ≤0.001
  Sepsis 853 (2.6) 368 (2.6) 73 (3.4) 0.04
  Blood transfusion during hospitalization, n (%) 4,511 (13.7) 1,837 (12.8) 425 (19.5) ≤0.001
 Laboratory abnormalities at discharge#
  Blood urea nitrogen >20 mg/dL, n (%) 10,014 (30.4) 4,077 (28.5) 929 (42.6) ≤0.001
  Sodium <135 mEq/L, n (%) 4,583 (13.9) 1,850 (12.9) 440 (20.2) ≤0.001
  Hematocrit ≤27 3,104 (9.4) 1,231 (8.6) 287 (13.2) ≤0.001
  ≥1 vital sign instability at discharge, n (%)# 6,192 (18.8) 2,624 (18.3) 525 (24.1) ≤0.001
 Discharge location, n (%) ≤0.001
  Home 23,339 (70.9) 10,282 (71.8) 1,383 (63.4)
  Home health 3,185 (9.7) 1,356 (9.5) 234 (10.7)
  Post–acute care** 5,990 (18.2) 2,496 (17.4) 549 (25.2)
  Hospice 408 (1.2) 178 (1.2) 14 (0.6)

NOTE: Abbreviations: ED, emergency department; ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range; SD, standard deviation.


≥20% poverty in zip code as per “high poverty” area US Census designation.

Prior ED visit at site of index hospitalization within the past year.

Prior hospitalization at any of 75 acute care hospitals in the North Texas region within the past year.

Nonelective admission defined as hospitalization categorized as medical emergency, urgent, or trauma.

Calculated from diagnoses available within 1 year prior to index hospitalization.


Conditions were considered complications if they were not listed as a principle diagnosis for hospitalization or as a previous diagnosis in the prior year.


On day of discharge or last known observation before discharge. Instabilities were defined as temperature ≥37.8°C, heart rate >100 beats/minute, respiratory rate >24 breaths/minute, systolic blood pressure ≤90 mm Hg, or oxygen saturation <90%.


Discharges to nursing home, skilled nursing facility, or long-term acute care hospital.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure