Figure 5.
(A) Principal component analysis with the different bacterial phyla. The first principal component (PC1) explained 26% of the variation and PC2 12%. Principal component analysis with the different archaeal groups from the first sampling site at Texcoco soil never flooded (), flooded once (
), flooded twice (
), three times (
), six times (
), seven times (
), nine times (
) or ten times (
), second sampling site never flooded (
), flooded once (
), flooded twice (
), flooded three times (
), six times (
), seven times (
), nine times (
) or ten times (
), and third sampling site never flooded (
), flooded once (
), flooded twice (
), flooded three times (
), six times (
), seven times (
), nine times (
) or ten times (
). The first principal component (PC1) explained 22% of the variation and PC2 17%. (B) Principal coordinate analysis of the weighted UniFrac distances of the bacterial OTUs clustered at a 97% similarity. Legends of the figure are the same as (A).