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. 2017 Mar 27;8:371. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00371

Table 2.

Characteristic of Included Trials (N = 14).

Primary author, publication year and country of origin N* Design Patient characteristics FIp description: delivered to individual or groups, key components, manual, n analyzed at assessment point(s) Duration of FIp Comparison Group (s) Outcome measures extracted for current meta-analyses: (1)Service user symptoms; (2) Service user functioning; (3)Relapse/ hospitalization/transition; (4) Length of hospitalization; (5) Career from high to low EE; (6) EE: criticism; (7) EE: emotional over-involvement; (8) Conflict in communication; (9) Caregiver burden; (10)Career wellbeing Treatment completion Follow up
O'Brien et al. (2014) and Miklowitz et al. (2014) USA 129 RCT (from larger trial) Patients (mean age 16.9 years) at risk of psychosis Single family: Psychoeducation, Communication skills, Problem-solving, Stress management. Adapted Family-Focused Therapy for intervals at clinically high risk for psychosis) Caregiver n = 38, Patient n = 47 18 × 1 h sessions over 6 m Enhanced Standard Care (including × 3 psychoeducation sessions over 1month) Caregiver n = 28, Patient = 55 (1) SOPS (8) Assessment of family communication (clinician-rated based on Bellack et al., 1996) 56%** None
Browning et al. (2013) UK 30 CCT Inpatients, under 18 years, (mean age 16.9 years) psychotic symptoms on admission Single family: Psychoeducation, Communication skills Based on manuals (Glick et al., 1993; Kuipers et al., 2002) n = 9 5 × 1 h sessions over 4–10 weeks (i) CBT (n = 10) (ii) Standard Care (n = 9) (1) BRPS, (2) CGAS 100% None
Primary author, publication year and country of origin N* Design Patient characteristics FIp description: delivered to individual or groups, key components, manual, n analyzed at assessment point(s) Duration of FIp Comparison Group (s) Outcome measures extracted for current meta-analyses Treatment completion Follow up
Calvo et al. (2014, 2015) Spain 55 RCT Adolescents 14–18 years (mean age 16.5 years) with very early onset psychosis. Max previous hosp admissions = 3 Single family and Group: Psychoeducation, Problem-solving based on manual McFarlane et al. (1995) T1: n = 27, T2: n = 25 3 × 50-min individual sessions, then 12 × 90-min group sessions, bi-monthly for 6 months Non-structured group intervention plus Enhanced standard care T1: n = 28, T2: n = 26 (1) PANSS, (2) CGAS, (8) FES 63.6% 24 month
Chien et al. (2016a,b) Hong Kong 116 RCT First episode psychosis, less than 6 months onset, mean age 25 years Single family: Guided self-help, problem-solving based bibliotherapy based on translated manual (McCann et al., 2013) n = 56 5 modules completed over 5 m (plus 2 × 2 h engagement, 3 × 1.5 h review sessions and weekly phone calls) Standard care n = 56 (1) PANSS, (4) length of hospital admission, (3) number of patients re-hospitalized, (9) ECI 98.2% 6 month
Cozolino et al. (1988) USA 29 RCT (stratified for High/Low EE) Patients admitted with psychosis, less than two years onset Group: Psychoeducation (based on education syllabus. West et al. (1985)) n = 14 1 × 3 h session Standard care n = 15 (6) PRS, (8) FCS 100% None
De Giacomo et al. (1997) Italy 38 RCT Schizophrenia; duration of less than 3 years Single family: Systemic Family Therapy n = 19 10 sessions, weekly plus 2x follow-up sessions at 3 and 6 months). Final testing at the end of 12 months Standard Care including pharmacological treatment (average 8.5 monthly sessions with psychiatrist over 1 years) n = 19 (5) FMSS 89% None
Gleeson et al. (2010) Australia 63 RCT (From a larger trial) First episode psychosis, less than 6 months of treatment and remission of positive symptoms Single family: Psychoeducation, Communication skills, Problem-solving, Relapse prevention. Based on manuals (Falloon I. R., 1988 and Mueser and Glynn (1999)) T1: n = 23, T2: n = 10 Minimum of 18 months FIp Enhanced Standard Care T1: n = 25, T2: n = 11 (6) FQ, (7) FQ, (9) ECI, (10) GHQ-28 71% 30 month
Goldstein et al. (1978) USA 104 RCT Early psychosis; all first (69%) and recent second admissions (within a year). Mean age 23.6 years Single family: Psychoeducation, Relapse prevention n = 47 (high drug/low drug) 6 sessions, weekly Standard Care and randomly assigned to low drug/high drug n = 49 (high drug/low drug) (3) Number of patients re-hospitalized 92% None
Leavey et al. (2004) UK 106 RCT First episode of psychosis, less than 6 months onset Single family: Psychoeducation, Problem-solving, Coping skills (incorporating ideas from manual: Falloon (1984)) n = 57 7 × 1 h sessions (at home or convenient place) Standard care n = 49 (3) Number of patients re-hospitalized 42% (full completion), 57.9 % (partial completion) 9 month
Linszen et al. (1996) The Netherlands 76 RCT Recent onset Schizophrenia; 15–26 years (mean age 20.7 years) Single family: Psychoeducation, Communication skills, Problem-solving n = 37 18 sessions over 12 months (delivered as flexibly as possible) Enhanced Standard care n = 39 (3) Number of patients re-hospitalized 100% 12 month, 5 year
McCann et al. (2013) Australia 124 RCT First episode psychosis (duration of 2–3 years treatment) 15–25 years Single family: Problem-solving Bibliotherapy (based on manual written by authors) n = 56 5 × Bibliotherapy modules, weekly Enhanced Standard Care n = 58 (6) FQ, (7) FQ, (9), (9)ECI, (10) K-10 100% 4 month
Rossberg et al. (2010) Norway 301 Cohort analytic First episode psychosis, actively psychotic and no previous treatment (15–65 years) Group: Psychoeducation, Communication skills, Problem-solving n = 147 90 min sessions Bi-monthly over 2 years. Not offered (e.g., no family) or refused FIp. Enhanced standard Care n = 153 (3) Number of patients re-hospitalized 55%** 5 year
Rund et al. (1994) Norway 24 Cohort analytic Adolescents inpatients (13–18 years) with early onset psychosis Single family and Group: Psychoeducation, problem-solving plus a “low EE” environment on the inpatient unit n = 12 Parent seminars (whole day 2–3 per year), problem solving sessions, over 2 years Standard care from historic cohort: Patients treated at the same hospital but at an earlier point in time (from 1980 to 1987) n = 12 (2) GAS, (4) length of readmission, (5) CFI and Clinical Rating 100% None
Zhang et al. (1994) China 83 RCT First admission patients with schizophrenia, mean illness duration 2.8 years, males only, mean age 24 years Group: Psychoeducation and supportive counseling n = 39 Minimum × 1 session once every 3 months for 18 months Standard care n = 39 (1) BRPS, (2) GAS 100% None

Number of participants randomized or enrolled in trial;


Patients who completed at least 50% of the intended intervention; BPRS, Brief Psychosis Rating Scale; CCT, Controlled Clinical Trial, (C) GAS, (Children's) General Assessment Scales; CFI, Camberwell Family Interview, ECI, Experience of Caregiving Questionnaire; FES, Family Environment Scale; FCS, Family Conflict Scale; FMSS, Five Minute Speech Sample; FQ, Family Questionnaire, GHQ-28, General Health Questionnaires; K-10, Kessler Psychological Distress Scale; PANNS, Positive and Negative symptoms Scales; PRS, Patient Rejection Scale; SOPS, Scale of Psychosis-Risk Symptoms.

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