Figure 8. Resonance tongues with and without self-selected evening light.
(a and b) The colored balloon-shaped regions show the regions of entrainment by light, with contours indicating different phases of the minimum of the circadian wake propensity rhythm for evening light 0/40 lux respectively. In the light grey region, light alone is insufficient to entrain the model but the model can be entrained to an average of 24 h by social constraints applied for five days per week. In the black regions the model does not entrain even with social constraints. In the dark grey region, the model entrains to sleeping during the day. The thin black line splits this dark grey in two, to the right of this line, in the presence of social constraints the model is entrained to a schedule of sleeping at night. Age parameters set to 30y. The white dashed lines are to help guide the eye and mark the average intrinsic period of 24.2 (vertical line) and the levels of 700 and 300 lux (horizontal lines) that are used in many of the other simulations in the paper. (c,d) Circadian phase as a function of the parameters modelling the rate of homeostatic rise during wake and circadian amplitude. Circles indicate the position of the age-dependent parameters chosen to match reported data34,70 with 700 lux during the day. c Evening lux 0. d Evening lux 40.