TRIM37 promotes the invasion of colorectal cancer cells via EMT. (A) Reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction was performed to determine the levels of several components that were involved in EMT. In the TRIM37-KD SW620 cells, N-CAD and VIM were downregulated, whereas E-CAD was upregulated. *P<0.05. (B) In the TRIM37-OV SW480 cells, N-CAD and VIM were upregulated, whereas E-CAD was downregulated. *P<0.05. (C) Western blot analysis demonstrated that, in TRIM37-KD SW620 cells, the epithelial marker E-CAD was upregulated, whereas N-CAD and VIM, the mesenchymal markers, were downregulated. (D) In TRIM37-OV SW480 cells, E-CAD was downregulated, whereas N-CAD and VIM were upregulated. TRIM37, tripartite motif containing 37; TRIM 37-KD, TRIM37 knockdown; TRIM37-OV, TRIM37 overexpression; E-CAD, E-cadherin; N-CAD, N-cadherin; VIM, vimentin.