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. 2016 Dec 1;1(1):250–265. doi: 10.1089/trgh.2016.0031

Appendix Table 1.

Gender-Specific Procedure Codes Related to Condition Code 45 and the KX Modifier

HCPCS Valid sex Code description HCPCS Valid sex Code description
0071T Female U/s leiomyomata ablate <200 57545 Female Remove cervix/repair pelvis
0072T Female U/s leiomyomata ablate >200 57550 Female Removal of residual cervix
00842 Female Anesth amniocentesis 57555 Female Remove cervix/repair vagina
00846 Female Anesth hysterectomy 57556 Female Remove cervix/repair bowel
00851 Female Anesth tubal ligation 57558 Female D and c of cervical stump
00865 Male Anesth removal of prostate 57700 Female Revision of cervix
00906 Female Anesth removal of vulva 57720 Female Revision of cervix
00908 Male Anesth removal of prostate 57800 Female Dilation of cervical canal
00914 Male Anesth removal of prostate 58100 Female Biopsy of uterus lining
00920 Male Anesth genitalia surgery 58110 Female Bx done w/colposcopy add‐on
00921 Male Anesth vasectomy 58120 Female Dilation and curettage
00922 Male Anesth sperm duct surgery 58140 Female Myomectomy abdominal method
00924 Male Anesth testis exploration 58145 Female Myomectomy vaginal method
00926 Male Anesth removal of testis 58146 Female Myomectomy abdominal complex
00928 Male Anesth removal of testis 58150 Female Total hysterectomy
00930 Male Anesth testis suspension 58152 Female Total hysterectomy
00932 Male Anesth amputation of penis 58180 Female Partial hysterectomy
00934 Male Anesth penis nodes removal 58200 Female Extensive hysterectomy
00936 Male Anesth penis nodes removal 58210 Female Extensive hysterectomy
00938 Male Anesth insert penis device 58240 Female Removal of pelvis contents
00940 Female Anesth vaginal procedures 58260 Female Vaginal hysterectomy
00942 Female Anesth surgery on vaginal/urethral 58262 Female Vaginal hysterectomy including t/o
00944 Female Anesth vaginal hysterectomy 58263 Female Vaginal hysterectomy w/t/o and vaginal repair
00948 Female Anesth repair of cervix 58267 Female Vaginal hysterectomy w/urinary repair
00950 Female Anesth vaginal endoscopy 58270 Female Vaginal hysterectomy w/enterocele repair
00952 Female Anesth hysteroscope/graph 58275 Female Hysterectomy/revise vagina
01960 Female Anesth vaginal delivery 58280 Female Hysterectomy/revise vagina
01961 Female Anesth cs delivery 58285 Female Extensive hysterectomy
01962 Female Anesth emergency hysterectomy 58290 Female Vaginal hysterectomy complex
01963 Female Anesth cs hysterectomy 58291 Female Vaginal hysterectomy including t/o complex
01965 Female Anesth inc/missed ab procedure 58292 Female Vaginal hysterectomy t/o and repair complex
01966 Female Anesth induced ab procedure 58293 Female Vaginal hysterectomy w/uro repair complex
01967 Female Anesth/analg vaginal delivery 58294 Female Vaginal hysterectomy w/enterocele complex
01968 Female Anes/analg cs deliver add‐on 58300 Female Insert intrauterine device
01969 Female Anesth/analg cs hysterectomy add‐on 58301 Female Remove intrauterine device
0336T Female Lap ablat uterine fibroids 58321 Female Artificial insemination
0500F Female Initial prenatal care visit 58322 Female Artificial insemination
0501F Female Prenatal flow sheet 58323 Female Sperm washing
0502F Female Subsequent prenatal care 58340 Female Catheter for hysterography
0503F Female Postpartum care visit 58345 Female Reopen fallopian tube
11976 Female Remove contraceptive capsule 58346 Female Insert heyman uteri capsule
19300 Male Removal of breast tissue 58350 Female Reopen fallopian tube
3015F Female Cerv cancer screen docd 58353 Female Endometrial ablate thermal
36460 Female Transfusion service fetal 58356 Female Endometrial cryoablation
37788 Male Revascularization penis 58400 Female Suspension of uterus
46744 Female Repair of cloacal anomaly 58410 Female Suspension of uterus
46746 Female Repair of cloacal anomaly 58520 Female Repair of ruptured uterus
46748 Female Repair of cloacal anomaly 58540 Female Revision of uterus
50722 Female Release of ureter 58541 Female Lsh uterus 250 g or less
51845 Female Repair bladder neck 58542 Female Lsh w/t/o ut 250 g or less
51920 Female Close bladder–uterus fistula 58544 Female Lsh w/t/o uterus above 250 g
51925 Female Hysterectomy/bladder repair 58545 Female Laparoscopic myomectomy
52010 Male Cystoscopy and duct catheter 58546 Female Laparomyomectomy complex
52270 Female Cystoscopy and revise urethra 58548 Female Lap radical hyst
52275 Male Cystoscopy and revise urethra 58550 Female Laparo‐asst vaginal hysterectomy
52285 Female Cystoscopy and treatment 58552 Female Laparovaginal hysterectomy including t/o
52402 Male Cystourethro cut ejaculatory duct 58553 Female Laparovaginal hysterectomy complex
52450 Male Incision of prostate 58554 Female Laparovaginal hysterectomy w/t/o complex
52601 Male Prostatectomy (turp) 58555 Female Hysteroscopy dx sep procedure
52647 Male Laser surgery of prostate 58558 Female Hysteroscopy biopsy
52648 Male Laser surgery of prostate 58559 Female Hysteroscopy lysis
52649 Male Prostate laser enucleation 58560 Female Hysteroscopy resect septum
52700 Male Drainage of prostate abscess 58561 Female Hysteroscopy remove myoma
53210 Female Removal of urethra 58562 Female Hysteroscopy remove fb
53215 Male Removal of urethra 58563 Female Hysteroscopy ablation
53230 Female Removal of urethra lesion 58565 Female Hysteroscopy sterilization
53235 Male Removal of urethra lesion 58570 Female Tlh uterus 250 g or less
53410 Male Reconstruction of urethra 58571 Female Tlh w/t/o 250 g or less
53415 Male Reconstruction of urethra 58572 Female Tlh uterus over 250 g
53420 Male Reconstruct urethra stage 1 58573 Female Tlh w/t/o uterus over 250 g
53425 Male Reconstruct urethra stage 2 58578 Female Laparo proc uterus
53430 Female Reconstruction of urethra 58579 Female Hysteroscope procedure
53440 Male Male sling procedure 58600 Female Division of fallopian tube
53442 Male Remove/revise male sling 58605 Female Division of fallopian tube
53502 Female Repair of urethra injury 58611 Female Ligate oviduct(s) add‐on
53505 Male Repair of urethra injury 58615 Female Occlude fallopian tube(s)
53510 Male Repair of urethra injury 58660 Female Laparoscopy lysis
53515 Male Repair of urethra injury 58661 Female Laparoscopy remove adnexa
53520 Male Repair of urethra defect 58662 Female Laparoscopy excise lesions
53600 Male Dilate urethra stricture 58670 Female Laparoscopy tubal cautery
53601 Male Dilate urethra stricture 58671 Female Laparoscopy tubal block
53605 Male Dilate urethra stricture 58672 Female Laparoscopy fimbrioplasty
53620 Male Dilate urethra stricture 58673 Female Laparoscopy salpingostomy
53621 Male Dilate urethra stricture 58679 Female Laparoscopy procedure oviduct–ovary
53660 Female Dilation of urethra 58700 Female Removal of fallopian tube
53661 Female Dilation of urethra 58720 Female Removal of ovary/tube(s)
53665 Female Dilation of urethra 58740 Female Adhesiolysis tube ovary
53850 Male Prostatic microwave thermotx 58750 Female Repair oviduct
53852 Male Prostatic rf thermotx 58752 Female Revise ovarian tube(s)
53855 Male Insert prost urethral stent 58760 Female Fimbrioplasty
53860 Female Transurethral rf treatment 58770 Female Create new tubal opening
54000 Male Slitting of prepuce 58800 Female Drainage of ovarian cyst(s)
54001 Male Slitting of prepuce 58805 Female Drainage of ovarian cyst(s)
54015 Male Drain penis lesion 58820 Female Drain ovary abscess open
54050 Male Destruction penis lesion(s) 58822 Female Drain ovary abscess percut
54055 Male Destruction penis lesion(s) 58825 Female Transposition ovary(s)
54056 Male Cryosurgery penis lesion(s) 58900 Female Biopsy of ovary(s)
54057 Male Laser surgery penis lesion(s) 58920 Female Partial removal of ovary(s)
54060 Male Excision of penis lesion(s) 58925 Female Removal of ovarian cyst(s)
54065 Male Destruction penis lesion(s) 58940 Female Removal of ovary(s)
54100 Male Biopsy of penis 58943 Female Removal of ovary(s)
54110 Male Treatment of penis lesion 58951 Female Resect ovarian malignancy
54111 Male Treat penis lesion graft 58952 Female Resect ovarian malignancy
54112 Male Treat penis lesion graft 58953 Female Tah rad dissect for debulk
54115 Male Treatment of penis lesion 58954 Female Tah rad debulk/lymph remove
54120 Male Partial removal of penis 58956 Female Bso omentectomy w/tah
54125 Male Removal of penis 58957 Female Resect recurrent gyn mal
54130 Male Remove penis and nodes 58958 Female Resect recur gyn mal w/lym
54135 Male Remove penis and nodes 58960 Female Exploration of abdomen
54150 Male Circumcision w/regionl block 58970 Female Retrieval of oocyte
54160 Male Circumcision neonate 58974 Female Transfer of embryo
54161 Male Circum 28 days or older 58976 Female Transfer of embryo
54162 Male Lysis penil circumic lesion 58999 Female Genital surgery procedure
54163 Male Repair of circumcision 59000 Female Amniocentesis diagnostic
54164 Male Frenulotomy of penis 59001 Female Amniocentesis therapeutic
54200 Male Treatment of penis lesion 59012 Female Fetal cord puncture prenatal
54205 Male Treatment of penis lesion 59015 Female Chorion biopsy
54220 Male Treatment of penis lesion 59020 Female Fetal contract stress test
54230 Male Prepare penis study 59025 Female Fetal nonstress test
54231 Male Dynamic cavernosometry 59030 Female Fetal scalp blood sample
54235 Male Penile injection 59050 Female Fetal monitor w/report
54240 Male Penis study 59051 Female Fetal monitor/interpret only
54250 Male Penis study 59070 Female Transabdom amnioinfus w/us
54300 Male Revision of penis 59072 Female Umbilical cord occlusion w/us
54304 Male Revision of penis 59074 Female Fetal fluid drainage w/us
54308 Male Reconstruction of urethra 59076 Female Fetal shunt placement w/us
54312 Male Reconstruction of urethra 59100 Female Remove uterus lesion
54316 Male Reconstruction of urethra 59120 Female Treat ectopic pregnancy
54318 Male Reconstruction of urethra 59121 Female Treat ectopic pregnancy
54322 Male Reconstruction of urethra 59130 Female Treat ectopic pregnancy
54324 Male Reconstruction of urethra 59135 Female Treat ectopic pregnancy
54326 Male Reconstruction of urethra 59136 Female Treat ectopic pregnancy
54328 Male Revise penis/urethra 59140 Female Treat ectopic pregnancy
54332 Male Revise penis/urethra 59150 Female Treat ectopic pregnancy
54336 Male Revise penis/urethra 59151 Female Treat ectopic pregnancy
54340 Male Secondary urethral surgery 59160 Female D and c after delivery
54344 Male Secondary urethral surgery 59200 Female Insert cervical dilator
54348 Male Secondary urethral surgery 59300 Female Episiotomy or vaginal repair
54352 Male Reconstruct urethra/penis 59320 Female Revision of cervix
54360 Male Penis plastic surgery 59325 Female Revision of cervix
54380 Male Repair penis 59350 Female Repair of uterus
54385 Male Repair penis 59400 Female Obstetrical care
54390 Male Repair penis and bladder 59409 Female Obstetrical care
54400 Male Insert semirigid prosthesis 59410 Female Obstetrical care
54401 Male Insert self‐contd prosthesis 59412 Female Antepartum manipulation
54405 Male Insert multi‐comp penis prosthesis 59414 Female Deliver placenta
54406 Male Remove muti‐comp penis pros 59425 Female Antepartum care only
54408 Male Repair multi‐comp penis prosthesis 59426 Female Antepartum care only
54410 Male Remove/replace penis prosthesis 59430 Female Care after delivery
54411 Male Remov/replc penis pros comp 59510 Female Cesarean delivery
54415 Male Remove self‐contd penis pros 59514 Female Cesarean delivery only
54416 Male Remv/repl penis contain pros 59515 Female Cesarean delivery
54417 Male Remv/replc penis pros compl 59525 Female Remove uterus after cesarean
54420 Male Revision of penis 59610 Female Vbac delivery
54430 Male Revision of penis 59612 Female Vbac delivery only
54435 Male Revision of penis 59614 Female Vbac care after delivery
54440 Male Repair of penis 59618 Female Attempted vbac delivery
54450 Male Preputial stretching 59620 Female Attempted vbac delivery only
54500 Male Biopsy of testis 59622 Female Attempted vbac after care
54505 Male Biopsy of testis 59812 Female Treatment of miscarriage
54512 Male Excise lesion testis 59820 Female Care of miscarriage
54520 Male Removal of testis 59821 Female Treatment of miscarriage
54522 Male Orchiectomy partial 59830 Female Treat uterus infection
54530 Male Removal of testis 59840 Female Abortion
54535 Male Extensive testis surgery 59841 Female Abortion
54550 Male Exploration for testis 59850 Female Abortion
54560 Male Exploration for testis 59851 Female Abortion
54600 Male Reduce testis torsion 59852 Female Abortion
54620 Male Suspension of testis 59855 Female Abortion
54640 Male Suspension of testis 59856 Female Abortion
54650 Male Orchiopexy (fowler‐stephens) 59857 Female Abortion
54660 Male Revision of testis 59866 Female Abortion (mpr)
54670 Male Repair testis injury 59870 Female Evacuate mole of uterus
54680 Male Relocation of testis(es) 59871 Female Remove cerclage suture
54690 Male Laparoscopy orchiectomy 59897 Female Fetal invas px w/us
54692 Male Laparoscopy orchiopexy 59898 Female Laparo proc ob care/deliver
54699 Male Laparoscope proc testis 59899 Female Maternity care procedure
54700 Male Drainage of scrotum 64435 Female N block inj paracervical
54800 Male Biopsy of epididymis 74440 Male X‐ray male genital tract
54830 Male Remove epididymis lesion 74445 Male X‐ray examination of penis
54840 Male Remove epididymis lesion 74710 Female X‐ray measurement of pelvis
54860 Male Removal of epididymis 74740 Female X‐ray female genital tract
54861 Male Removal of epididymis 74742 Female X‐ray fallopian tube
54865 Male Explore epididymis 74775 Female X‐ray examination of perineum
54900 Male Fusion of spermatic ducts 76801 Female Ob us <14 weeks single fetus
54901 Male Fusion of spermatic ducts 76802 Female Ob us <14 weeks addl fetus
55000 Male Drainage of hydrocele 76805 Female Ob us >/=14 weeks sngl fetus
55040 Male Removal of hydrocele 76810 Female Ob us >/=14 weeks addl fetus
55041 Male Removal of hydroceles 76811 Female Ob us detailed sngl fetus
55060 Male Repair of hydrocele 76812 Female Ob us detailed addl fetus
55100 Male Drainage of scrotum abscess 76813 Female Ob us nuchal meas 1 gest
55110 Male Explore scrotum 76814 Female Ob us nuchal meas add‐on
55120 Male Removal of scrotum lesion 76815 Female Ob us limited fetus(s)
55150 Male Removal of scrotum 76816 Female Ob us follow‐up per fetus
55175 Male Revision of scrotum 76817 Female Transvaginal us obstetric
55180 Male Revision of scrotum 76818 Female Fetal biophys profile w/nst
55200 Male Incision of sperm duct 76819 Female Fetal biophys profile w/o nst
55250 Male Removal of sperm duct(s) 76825 Female Echo examination of fetal heart
55300 Male Prepare sperm duct x‐ray 76826 Female Echo examination of fetal heart
55400 Male Repair of sperm duct 76827 Female Echo examination of fetal heart
55450 Male Ligation of sperm duct 76828 Female Echo examination of fetal heart
55500 Male Removal of hydrocele 76830 Female Transvaginal us non‐ob
55520 Male Removal of sperm cord lesion 76831 Female Echo examination uterus
55540 Male Revise hernia and sperm veins 76941 Female Echo guide for transfusion
55550 Male Laparo ligate spermatic vein 76945 Female Echo guide villus sampling
55559 Male Laparo proc spermatic cord 76946 Female Echo guide for amniocentesis
55600 Male Incise sperm duct pouch 76948 Female Echo guide ova aspiration
55605 Male Incise sperm duct pouch 77057 Female Mammogram screening
55650 Male Remove sperm duct pouch 78761 Male Testicular imaging w/flow
55680 Male Remove sperm pouch lesion 80055 Female Obstetric panel
55700 Male Biopsy of prostate 81025 Female Urine pregnancy test
55705 Male Biopsy of prostate 81500 Female Onco (ovar) two proteins
55706 Male Prostate saturation sampling 81503 Female Onco (ovar) five proteins
55720 Male Drainage of prostate abscess 81507 Female Fetal aneuploidy trisom risk
55725 Male Drainage of prostate abscess 81508 Female Ftl cgen abnor two proteins
55801 Male Removal of prostate 81509 Female Ftl cgen abnor three proteins
55810 Male Extensive prostate surgery 81510 Female Ftl cgen abnor three anal
55812 Male Extensive prostate surgery 81511 Female Ftl cgen abnor four anal
55815 Male Extensive prostate surgery 81512 Female Ftl cgen abnor five anal
55821 Male Removal of prostate 82120 Female Amines vaginal fluid qual
55831 Male Removal of prostate 82143 Female Amniotic fluid scan
55840 Male Extensive prostate surgery 82731 Female Assay of fetal fibronectin
55842 Male Extensive prostate surgery 84112 Female Eval amniotic fluid protein
55845 Male Extensive prostate surgery 84135 Female Assay of pregnanediol
55860 Male Surgical exposure prostate 84138 Female Assay of pregnanetriol
55862 Male Extensive prostate surgery 84152 Male Assay of psa complexed
55865 Male Extensive prostate surgery 84153 Male Assay of psa total
55866 Male Laparo radical prostatectomy 84154 Male Assay of psa free
55870 Male Electroejaculation 84163 Female Pappa serum
55873 Male Cryoablate prostate 84830 Female Ovulation tests
55875 Male Transperi needle place pros 85460 Female Hemoglobin fetal
55876 Male Place rt device/marker pros 85461 Female Hemoglobin fetal
55899 Male Genital surgery procedure 88141 Female Cytopath c/v interpret
55970 Male Sex transformation m to f 88142 Female Cytopath c/v thin layer
55980 Female Sex transformation f to m 88143 Female Cytopath c/v thin layer redo
56405 Female I and d of vulva/perineum 88147 Female Cytopath c/v automated
56420 Female Drainage of gland abscess 88148 Female Cytopath c/v auto rescreen
56440 Female Surgery for vulva lesion 88150 Female Cytopath c/v manual
56441 Female Lysis of labial lesion(s) 88153 Female Cytopath c/v redo
56442 Female Hymenotomy 88154 Female Cytopath c/v select
56501 Female Destroy vulva lesions sim 88155 Female Cytopath c/v index add‐on
56515 Female Destroy vulva lesion/s compl 88164 Female Cytopath tbs c/v manual
56605 Female Biopsy of vulva/perineum 88165 Female Cytopath tbs c/v redo
56606 Female Biopsy of vulva/perineum 88166 Female Cytopath tbs c/v auto redo
56620 Female Partial removal of vulva 88167 Female Cytopath tbs c/v select
56625 Female Complete removal of vulva 88174 Female Cytopath c/v auto in fluid
56630 Female Extensive vulva surgery 88175 Female Cytopath c/v auto fluid redo
56631 Female Extensive vulva surgery 88267 Female Chromosome analysis placenta
56632 Female Extensive vulva surgery 88269 Female Chromosome analysis amniotic
56633 Female Extensive vulva surgery 89264 Male Identify sperm tissue
56634 Female Extensive vulva surgery 89300 Female Semen analysis w/huhner
56637 Female Extensive vulva surgery 89310 Male Semen analysis w/count
56640 Female Extensive vulva surgery 89320 Male Semen anal vol/count/mot
56700 Female Partial removal of hymen 89321 Male Semen anal sperm detection
56805 Female Repair clitoris 89329 Male Sperm evaluation test
56810 Female Repair of perineum 89330 Male Evaluation cervical mucus
56820 Female Examination of vulva w/scope 89331 Male Retrograde ejaculation anal
56821 Female Examination/biopsy of vulva w/scope 99500 Female Home visit prenatal
57000 Female Exploration of vagina 99501 Female Home visit postnatal
57010 Female Drainage of pelvic abscess A4261 Female Cervical cap contraceptive
57020 Female Drainage of pelvic fluid A4264 Female Intratubal occlusion device
57022 Female I and d vaginal hematoma pp A4266 Female Diaphragm
57023 Female I and d vaginal hematoma non‐ob A4267 Male Male condom
57061 Female Destroy vaginal lesions simple A4268 Female Female condom
57065 Female Destroy vaginal lesions complex A4269 Female Spermicide
57100 Female Biopsy of vagina A4281 Female Replacement breast pump tube
57105 Female Biopsy of vagina A4282 Female Replacement breast pump adpt
57106 Female Remove vagina wall partial A4283 Female Replacement breast pump cap
57107 Female Remove vagina tissue part A4284 Female Replacement breast pump shield
57109 Female Vaginectomy partial w/nodes A4285 Female Replacement breast pump bottle
57110 Female Remove vagina wall complete A4286 Female Replacement breastpump lok ring
57111 Female Remove vagina tissue compl A4326 Male Male external catheter
57112 Female Vaginectomy w/nodes compl A4327 Female Female urinary collect dev cup
57120 Female Closure of vagina A4328 Female Female urinary collect pouch
57130 Female Remove vagina lesion C9739 Male Cystoscopy prostatic imp 1‐3
57135 Female Remove vagina lesion C9740 Male Cysto impl 4 or more
57150 Female Treat vagina infection E0325 Male Urinal male jug type
57155 Female Insert uteri tandem/ovoids E0326 Female Urinal female jug type
57156 Female Ins vaginal brachytx device E0602 Female Manual breast pump
57160 Female Insert pessary/other device E0603 Female Electric breast pump
57170 Female Fitting of diaphragm/cap E0604 Female Hosp grade elec breast pump
57180 Female Treat vaginal bleeding G0027 Male Semen analysis
57200 Female Repair of vagina G0101 Female Ca screen; pelvic/breast exam
57210 Female Repair vagina/perineum G0102 Male Prostate ca screening; dre
57220 Female Revision of urethra G0103 Male Psa screening
57230 Female Repair of urethral lesion G0123 Female Screen cerv/vaginal thin layer
57240 Female Repair bladder and vagina G0124 Female Screen c/v thin layer by md
57250 Female Repair rectum and vagina G0141 Female Scr c/v cyto, autosys and md
57260 Female Repair of vagina G0143 Female Scr c/v cyto, thin layer, rescr
57265 Female Extensive repair of vagina G0144 Female Scr c/v cyto, thin layer, rescr
57267 Female Insert mesh/pelvic flr addon G0145 Female Scr c/v cyto, thin layer, rescr
57268 Female Repair of bowel bulge G0147 Female Scr c/v cyto, automated sys
57270 Female Repair of bowel pouch G0148 Female Scr c/v cyto, autosys, rescr
57280 Female Suspension of vagina G0202 Female Screeningmammographydigital
57282 Female Colpopexy extraperitoneal G0416 Male Biopsy prostate 10–20
57283 Female Colpopexy intraperitoneal G0417 Male Biopsy prostate 21–40
57284 Female Repair paravag defect open G0418 Male Biopsy prostate 41–60
57285 Female Repair paravag defect vaginal G0419 Male Biopsy prostate: >60
57287 Female Revise/remove sling repair G0458 Male Ldr prostate brachy comp rat
57288 Female Repair bladder defect G8806 Female Transab or transvag us
57289 Female Repair bladder and vagina G8807 Female Doc reas no us
57291 Female Construction of vagina G8808 Female No transab or transvag us
57292 Female Construct vagina with graft G8809 Female Rh‐immunoglobulin order
57295 Female Revise vaginal graft through vagina G8810 Female Doc reas no rh‐immuno
57296 Female Revise vaginal graft open abd G8811 Female No rh‐immunoglobulin order
57307 Female Fistula repair and colostomy P3000 Female Screen pap by tech w md supv
57308 Female Fistula repair transperine P3001 Female Screening pap smear by phys
57310 Female Repair urethrovaginal lesion Q0091 Female Obtaining screen pap smear
57311 Female Repair urethrovaginal lesion S0610 Female Annual gynecological examina
57320 Female Repair bladder‐vagina lesion S0612 Female Annual gynecological examina
57330 Female Repair bladder‐vagina lesion S4005 Female Interim labor facility globa
57335 Female Repair vagina S4011 Female IVF package
57400 Female Dilation of vagina S4013 Female Complete GIFT case rate
57410 Female Pelvic examination S4014 Female Complete ZIFT case rate
57415 Female Remove vaginal foreign body S4015 Female Complete IVF nos case rate
57420 Female Examination of vagina w/scope S4016 Female Frozen IVF case rate
57421 Female Examination/biopsy of vaginal w/scope S4017 Female IVF canc a stim case rate
57423 Female Repair paravag defect lap S4018 Female F EMB trns canc case rate
57425 Female Laparoscopy surg colpopexy S4020 Female IVF canc a aspir case rate
57426 Female Revise prosth vaginal graft lap S4021 Female IVF canc p aspir case rate
57452 Female Examination of cervix w/scope S4022 Female Asst oocyte fert case rate
57454 Female Bx/curett of cervix w/scope S4023 Female Incomplete donor egg case rate
57455 Female Biopsy of cervix w/scope S4025 Female Donor serv IVF case rate
57456 Female Endocerv curettage w/scope S4026 Male Procure donor sperm
57460 Female Bx of cervix w/scope leep S4027 Female Store prev frozen embryos
57461 Female Conz of cervix w/scope leep S4028 Male Microsurg epi sperm asp
57500 Female Biopsy of cervix S4030 Male Sperm procure init visit
57505 Female Endocervical curettage S4031 Male Sperm procure subs visit
57510 Female Cauterization of cervix S4035 Female Stimulated IUI case rate
57511 Female Cryocautery of cervix S4037 Female Cryo embryo transf case rate
57513 Female Laser surgery of cervix S4040 Female Monit store cryo embryo 30 d
57520 Female Conization of cervix S4989 Female Contracept IUD
57522 Female Conization of cervix S4993 Female Contraceptive pills for bc
57530 Female Removal of cervix S9001 Female Home uterine monitor with or
57531 Female Removal of cervix radical S9436 Female Lamaze class
57540 Female Removal of residual cervix S9437 Female Childbirth refresher class
      S9438 Female Cesarean birth class
      S9439 Female VBAC class

HCPCS, Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System.