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. 2016 Nov 30;30(12):1181–1197. doi: 10.1177/0269881116675513

Table 6.

Percentage of participants with clinically significant response rate and symptom remission rate as assessed with the clinician-rated measures of depression and anxiety+a.

Measure Group Assessment time-point
Post-session 1 Post-session 2 6 monthsb
Clinical response Symptom remission Clinical response Symptom remission Clinical response Symptom remission
GRID-HAMD-17 (Depression) Low-Dose-1st (High-Dose-2nd) 32% 16% 75% 58% 77% 59%
High-Dose-1st (Low-Dose-2nd) 92%*** 60%** 84% 68% 79% 71%
HAM-A  (Anxiety) Low-Dose-1st (High-Dose-2nd) 24% 12% 83% 42% 82% 50%
High-Dose-1st (Low-Dose-2nd) 76%*** 52%** 80% 60% 83% 63%

Data are percentage of participants fulfilling criteria at Post-session 1 (5 weeks after Session 1), Post-session 2 (5 weeks after Session 2), and 6 months. Clinical response was defined as ⩾50% decrease in measure relative to Baseline; Symptom remission was defined as ⩾50% decrease in measure relative to Baseline and a score of ⩽7 on GRID-HAMD-17 or HAM-A. For the Post-session 1, Post-session 2, and 6-month time-points, respectively, the number of participants was 25, 24, and 22 in the Low-Dose-1st (High-Dose-2nd) Group, and 25, 25, and 24 in the High-Dose-1st (Low-Dose-2nd) Group.


Within each data column, asterisks indicate significant differences between groups (*p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, planned comparisons, z-tests).


Effects of psilocybin on response and remission were sustained at 6 months as indicated by an absence of significant difference (p>0.05, planned comparisons, z-tests) between (1) Post-session 2 vs. 6 months in the Low-Dose-1st (High-Dose-2nd) Group and (2) Post-session 1 vs. 6 months in the High-Dose-1st (Low-Dose-2nd) Group. Overall response and remission rates were somewhat higher at 6 months when data were excluded for the six participants who initiated treatment with an antidepressant or anxiolytic between Post-session 2 and 6 months: on the GRID-HAMD-17 mean response and remission rate across the two dose sequence groups at 6 months increased from 78% to 83% and from 65% to 68%, respectively. On the HAM-A these rates increased from 83% to 85% and from 57% to 60%, respectively.