Effects of SCD on the proinsulin mRNA expression and insulin secretion of INS-1 cells.
Notes: (A) SCD may significantly promote proinsulin mRNA expression. (B) Effects of the same doses of SeNPs, SC (210 nM), BAY55-9837, Exendin-4, DBAYL and SCD (10 nM) on proinsulin mRNA expression. (C) SCD may significantly promote insulin secretion of INS-1 cells. (D) Insulin secretion of INS-1 cells treated with SCD (10 nM) in KRBH buffer supplemented with 5.5, 11, 16.7 or 25 mmol/L glucose, respectively, was determined by ELISA method. (E) Effects of the same doses of SeNPs, SC (210 nM), BAY55-9837, Exendin-4, DBAYL and SCD (10 nM) on insulin secretion of INS-1 cells treated with SCD (10 nM) in KRBH buffer supplemented with 16.7 mmol/L glucose. In the VPAC2 receptor blocking experiments, cells were preincubated with 50 nM of PG99-465 for 30 min at 37°C before adding 10 nM SCD in B and E. (A) and (C) *P<0.05, **P<0.01, different gradient concentrations of SCD (2.5, 5, 10 and 20 nM) vs blank control (0 nM). (D) **P<0.01, glucose +10 nM SCD vs glucose. (B) and (E) **P<0.01, SeNPs, SC, BAY55-9837, Exendin-4, DBAYL or SCD vs PBS; ##P<0.01, SCD vs BAY55-9837, DBAYL or Exendin-4 (Scheffé test, n=3).
Abbreviations: ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; KRBH, Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate HEPES; mRNA, messenger RNA; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; SC, chitosan-modified selenium nanoparticles; SCD, DBAYL-conjugated, chitosan-modified selenium nanoparticles; SeNPs, selenium nanoparticles.