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. 2017 Mar 28;8:413. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00413

Table 2.

Empirical studies on future time perspective (FTP) at work published over the past decade.

Authors and year Samplea and design Measure and dimensions Antecedentsb Consequencesb
General FTP at work
Unidimensional operationalization
(1) Bal et al., 2013 Sample 1: 117 employees, mean age = 37 years, cross-sectional; Sample 2: 217 employees, mean age = 54.8 years, cross-sectional FTP (10 items), general FTP Age (-) Continuance commitment (-)Normative commitment (-)
(2) Bal et al., 2010 176 post-retirement workers, 65–79 years, cross-sectional FTP (10 items), general FTP Employer developmental fulfillment (+)In-role obligations (-)Citizenship obligations (-) High performance obligations (n.s.)
(3) Baltes et al., 2014 104 older contracts workers, mean age = 69.20 years, three-wave study FTP (10 items), general FTP Promotion focus (n.s.) Promotion focus (+)
(4) De Lange et al., 2011 90 employees, 22–61 years, two-wave study FTP (seven items), general FTP / Work motivation (n.s.)
(5) Korff et al., 2016 913 employees, mean age = 41.9 years, cross-sectional FTP (10 items), general FTP HRM systems(Motivation enhancing practices [+]; Knowledge, skills and abilities enhancing practices [n.s.];Opportunity enhancing practices [n.s.]) Job satisfaction (+)Affective organizational commitment (+)
(6) Oostrom et al., 2016 244 employees, 45–65 years, cross sectional FTP (10 items), general FTP Tasks and work responsibilities i-deals (+) Employability (+)
(7) Park and Jung, 2015 555 employees, 18–57 years, cross sectional FTP (10 items), general FTP / Occupational self-efficacy (+)Career commitment (+)Organizational commitment (+)
(8) Sia et al., 2015 234 female employees, 40–45 years, cross-sectional FTP (10 items), general FTP / Physical, emotional, and cognitive work engagement (+)
(9) Treadway et al., 2010 291 managers, mean age = 30.6 years, cross-sectional FTP (10 items), general FTP (and OFTP) / Career networking (+ for general FTP; n.s. for OFTP)Community networking (+ for general FTP; n.s. for OFTP)
(10) Treadway et al., 2011 291 employees, mean age = 30.6 years, cross-sectional, sample overlap with [9] FTP (10 items), general FTP / Continuance commitment (-)Affective commitment (n.s.)
(11) Yeung et al., 2013 67 Chinese clerical employees, 19–58 years, 14-day experience sampling study FTP (10 items), general FTP / Momentary task performance (+)
Bidimensional operationalization
(12) Akkermans et al., 2016 186 taxi employees, mean age = 55.01 years, cross-sectional Focus on opportunities (FO) (three items), remaining time (RT) (three items) Intrinsic work motivation (+: RO and RT)Extrinsic work motivation (+ for RT; n.s. for RO)Motivation to continue working (+ for RT; n.s. for RO)
(13) Kooij et al., 2013 Study 1: 385 health care employees, mean age = 45.7 years, cross-sectional; Study 2: 1169 university employees, mean age = 42.5 years, sample overlap with [15] FTP (five items), open-ended FTP, limited FTP Age (- for open-ended FTP; + for limited FTP) Growth motivations (+ for open-ended FTP; - for limited FTP [only in Sample 2])Esteem motivations (+ for open-ended FTP; n.s. for limited FTP) Security motivations (n.s.) Generativity motivations (n.s.)
(14) Kooij et al., 2016 287 university employees, mean age = 45.38 years, two-wave study, sample overlap with [13,15,17] FTP (10 items), open-ended FTP, limited FTP / Job crafting (increasing job resources and challenging job demands; decreasing hindering JD) (+ for open-ended FTP; n.s. for limited FTP)
(15) Kooij and Van De Voorde, 2011 660 university employees, mean age = 43.9 ears, two-wave study FTP (10 items), open-ended FTP, limited FTP Subjective general health (+ for open-ended FTP; - for limited FTP) Development motives (+ for open-ended FTP; - for limited FTP),Generativity motives (+ for limited FTP; n.s. for open-ended FTP)
(16) Zacher and de Lange, 2011 85 employees, mean age = 43.41 years, two-wave study FTP (six items), focus on opportunities, focus on limitations Age (- for focus on opportunities; n.s. for focus on limitations) Promotion orientation (+ for focus on opportunities; n.s. for focus on limitations)Prevention orientation (+ for focus on limitations; n.s. for focus on opportunities) Promotion orientation (n.s.) Prevention orientation (n.s.)
Only remaining time
(17) Kooij et al., 2014 301 university employees, 19–67 years, four-wave study, sample overlap with [13,15] FTP (four items), remaining time Age (-) Promotion focus (+)Growth motives (n.s.)
Occupational FTP
Unidimensional operationalization
(1) Bal et al., 2015 168 employees, 21–70 years, cross-sectional OFTP (three items), overall OFTP (until retirement) Age meta-stereotypes (-)Negative age stereotypes (n.s.) Intention to retire (-)
(2) Ho and Yeung, 2016 199 Chinese clerical workers, 20–64 years, experimental study (scenarios) OFTP (10 items), overall OFTP / Psychological distress (-)Job stress (n.s.)
Bi(tri)dimensional operationalization
(3) Froehlich et al., 2016 282 employees, mean age = 41.85 years, cross-sectional OFTP (seven items), focus on opportunities (FO), remaining time (RT) Age (- for FO and RT) Employability (Anticipation and optimization [+ for FO; n.s. for RT];Personal flexibility [+ for FO; n.s. for RT];Occupational expertise [n.s.])
(4) Kochoian et al., 2016 560 workers, 21–64 years, cross-sectional OFTP (eight items), focus on opportunities (FO), constrained remaining time (RT) Age (+ for constrained RT; - for FO) Learning self-efficacy (+ for FO; - for constrained RT)Learning value (+ for FO; n.s. for constrained RT)
(5) Weikamp and Göritz, 2015 2180 workers, 18–65 years, six-wave study OFTP (six items), focus on opportunities (FO), remaining time (RT) Age (- for RT and RO) /
(6) Weikamp and Göritz, 2016 312 workers, 21–64 years, three-wave study OFTP (five items), focus on opportunities (FO), remaining time (RT) / Job satisfaction (+ for FO; n.s. for RT)OCBO > OCBI (+ for FO; n.s. for RT)
(7) Zacher, 2013 182 older job seekers, 43–77 years, cross-sectional OFTP (10 items), focus on opportunities (FO), perceived remaining time (RT), focus on limitations / Job search intensity
(8) Zacher and Frese, 2009 176 workers, 19–60 years, cross-sectional OFTP (six items), focus on opportunities (FO), remaining time (RT) Age (- for FO; - for RT)Job complexity and job control (+ for FO; n.s. for RT) /
Only focus on opportunities
(9) Gielnik et al., 2012 84 business owners, 24–74 years, cross-sectional OFTP (five items), focus on opportunities Age (-)Mental health (+) Venture growth (+)
(10) Gielnik et al., 2016 201 small business managers, 23–83 years, five-wave study OFTP (five items), focus on opportunities Age (-) Business growth (+)
(11) Schmitt et al., 2013a 124 business owners, mean age = 52.7 years, two-wave study OFTP (four items), focus on opportunities General optimism (+)Work engagement (n.s.) Work engagement (+)General optimism (n.s.)
(12) Schmitt et al., 2013b Study 1: 174 employees of a manufacture, 16–64 years, cross-sectional; Study 2: 64 administrative employees, 20–62 years, daily diary study (5 days) OFTP (five items), focus on opportunities / Work engagement (+)
(13) Zacher and Frese, 2011 133 employees, 16–65 years, cross-sectional OFTP (four items), focus on opportunities Age (-)Job complexity (+) Use of SOC strategies (+) /
(14) Zacher et al., 2010 168 employees, 19–64 years, cross-sectional OFTP (three items), focus on opportunities Age (-)Job complexity (+) Work performance (+)
(15) Zacher and Yang, 2016 649 employees, 18–74 years, cross-sectional OFTP (three items), focus on opportunities Organizational climate for successful aging (+) Job satisfaction (+)Organizational commitment (+)Motivation to continue working after official retirement age (+)
Only remaining time
(16) Kooij and Zacher, 2016 Study 1: 175 employees, 19–69 years, cross-sectional; Study 2: 149 employees, mean age = 35.4 years, two-wave study OFTP (three items), remaining time Age (-)Work centrality (+) Learning goal orientation (+)Attitude toward learning and development (+)

FTP, Future time perspective (when items used refer to the future “in general”; Carstensen and Lang, 1996; Lang and Carstensen, 2002); OFTP, occupational future time perspective (when items used were adapted to the work context, Zacher and Frese, 2009); FO, focus on opportunities; RT, remaining time. aAge range of the sample is provided whenever available; otherwise, mean age is reported. bAntecedents/outcomes with an asterisk were significantly related to FTP at work; antecedents/outcomes in italics were not significantly related to FTP at work.