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. 2015 Nov 26;16(8):622–629. doi: 10.5152/AnatolJCardiol.2015.6466

Table 1.

Baseline patient characteristics according to the expression of PGC-1α in blood samples

All patients (n=35) Patients with peripheral PGC-1α expression >2 -fold (n=11) Patients with peripheral PGC-1α expression <2 -fold (n=24) P
Age, years 69.8±11.9 63.3±15.7 72.6±8.8 0.10
Male, n (%) 19 (54) 7 (64) 12 (50) 0.22
Cardiovascular risk factors, n (%)
Hypertension 29 (83) 9 (82) 20 (83) 0.91
Diabetes 9 (26) 1 (9) 8 (33) 0.13
Dyslipidemia 22 (63) 6 (55) 16 (67) 0.50
Smoking history 18 (51) 7 (64) 11 (46) 0.34
Medication, n (%)
ACEI or ARB 23 (66) 7 (64) 16 (67) 0.52
Diuretics 24 (69) 6 (55) 18 (75) 0.24
Beta-blockers 14 (40) 7 (64) 7 (29) 0.07
Estatins 20 (57) 6 (55) 14 (58) 0.84
Metformin 6 (17) 1 (9) 5 (21) 0.14
ODM 3 (9) 1 (9) 2 (9) 0.92
Insulin 4 (12) 0 (0) 4 (18) 0.14
Hemoglobin, g/dL 13.1±1.1 13.4±1.2 12.9±1.1 0.15
Creatinine, mg/dL 0.8±0.2 0.9±0.2 0.8±0.3 0.62
Hb1Ac (%) 6.2±0.6 6.0±0.9 6.6±0.5 0.36
LVEF (%) 60.4±10.3 59.4±14.2 60.9±8.2 0.72
LVEDD, mm 48.8±9.4 51.6±10.9 47.5±8.5 0.20
LVESD, mm 30.7±9.0 33.9±10.5 29.1±8.0 0.23
TAPSE, mm 22.7±6.0 24.0±4.7 22.1±6.6 0.40
sPAP, mm Hg 39.1±9.9 35.5±8.2 40.8±10.3 0.11
CAD, n (%) 8 (23) 5 (45) 3 (13) 0.03
VSS 0.2±0.6 0.4±0.9 0.2±0.5 0.41
History of heart failure
NYHA functional class 2.7±0.5 2.6±0.5 2.7±0.5 0.87

ACEI - angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB - angiotensin II receptor blocker; CAD - coronary artery disease; LVEF - left ventricular ejection fraction; LVEDD - left ventricular end-diastolic diameter; LVESD - left ventricular end-diastolic end-systolic diameter; ODM - other oral an diabetic medication; sPAP - systolic pulmonary artery pressure; TAPSE - tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion; VSS - No of vessels with significant stenosis. Comparisons between both groups were made by chi-square and unpaired Student’s t-tests. Quantitative data expressed as mean±standard deviation. Significant if p<0.05