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. 2017 Mar 27;17:64. doi: 10.1186/s12909-017-0895-2

Table 1.

Description of the five occupational therapy cohorts and their respective exposure to EBP within [masked] University’s School of Physical and Occupational Therapy

Cohort N Description Content Exposure to EBP
Year 1 42 First year students, primarily with no previous university experience. Two OT specific courses, remainder of coursework dedicated to physical sciences (e.g., anatomy, physiology). Students are taught how to perform literature searches using common databases.
Year 2 35 Second year students. Primarily complementary courses, including human and physical sciences, languages, and research methods. Basic concepts and rationale for EBP
Students are introduced to critical appraisal.
EBP concepts introduced in research methods course.
Year 3 76 Two subgroups:
U3 – past U1/U2 students. At the end of this year students receive an undergraduate degree in Rehabilitation Sciences (non-practicing).
QY - students admitted to the qualifying year with a previous undergraduate degree (or higher).
Both groups form one class and receive the same teaching content.
All courses are OT specific. Explicit teaching of EBP rational and steps of application to clinical scenarios, workshops on conducting appropriate literature searches.
• Foundations of EBP:
• EBP steps/process
• Library workshop on creating a PICO and searching the literature
• 3 courses covering concepts of EBP and searching the literature
• 1 course covering concepts and process of EBP and integration of evidence
EBP guidelines, asking and answering a clinical question, searching to find the answer to a PICO, critical appraisal, classifying evidence on the effectiveness of interventions according to specific guidelines, synthesizing research information for clinical applicability, research design
Application of EBP is expected in assignments and exams.
M1 54 Summer semester - clinical placements 1 and 2 (7 weeks each)
Fall semester – coursework.
Winter semester - clinical placement 3 (7 weeks)
Spring semester - coursework
Summer semester – group research project
All courses are OT specific. EBP teaching heavily integrated in lectures and coursework.
EBP skills and knowledge developed and refined with clinical application in placements.
Research project integrates concepts
M2 (New graduates) 65 Clinical placement 4 (8 weeks)
November 2013 graduates, recruited as new clinicians.
Clinical placements. Application of EBP