Fig. 3.
Human IgG response to the four domains of PvMSA180 by protein microarray. a Crude recombinant PvMSA180 was probed with sera from vivax-infected patients (P) and naïve healthy individuals (H). The total prevalence of anti-PvMSA180 IgG significantly differed between patients and naïve healthy individuals. *p < 0.01; ***p < 0.0001 by Student’s t-test. Bars indicate means ± standard deviation. b IgG response to the four domains of PvMSA180 in individual patients. Red and green bars indicate positive and negative reactivity, respectively, in each domain. For total reactivity, red bar indicates 3–4 positive domains; green indicates 1–2 positive domains, and blue indicates the negative domains. The serial numbers of the serum samples are shown on the vertical line