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. 2017 Mar 29;12(3):e0173911. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0173911

Table 2. Functionally characterized CsTPS enzymes.

Functional gene ID Nearest 'PK' TPS gene model Major products Strain of origin Activity on GPP Activity on FPP
CsTPS1FN CsTPS1PK (-)-limonene Finola +++ np
CsTPS1SKŧ CsTPS1PK (-)-limonene Skunk nd nd
CsTPS2FN CsTPS2PK (+)-α-pinene Finola +++ np
CsTPS2SKŧ CsTPS2PK (+)-α-pinene Skunk nd nd
CsTPS3FN CsTPS3PK β-myrcene Finola +++ np
CsTPS4FN CsTPS9PK alloaromadendrene Finola + +++
CsTPS5FN CsTPS5PK β-myrcene, (-)-α-pinene Finola +++ +
CsTPS30PK CsTPS30PK β-myrcene Purple Kush +++ +
CsTPS6FN CsTPS6PK (E)-β-ocimene Finola +++ np
CsTPS7FN CsTPS7PK δ-selinene* Finola + +++
CsTPS8FN CsTPS8PK γ-eudesmol*, valencene Finola + +++
CsTPS9FN CsTPS9PK β-caryophyllene, α-humulene Finola + +++
CsTPS13PK CsTPS13PK (Z)-β-ocimene Purple Kush +++ +
CsTPS33PK CsTPS33PK α-terpinene, γ-terpinene Purple Kush +++ np

ŧ Published in Gunnewich et al., 2008

*Product not compared to authentic standard.

np, no product detected. nd, no data available.